The cliche romantic beach scene.

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The next morning, I didn't wake up in Ronnie's room as I'd expected, I woke up in Ryan's. I sat up, alarmed, and looked around the room. He chuckled from next to me, and I looked down, wide-eyed. 

"Calm down, Annie." he said, reading my mind. I still looked at him uncertainly. He sat up and kissed me softly on the shoulder. 

"Good morning to you too. Ronnie's just gone down to the beach to get everything ready for today, so I'm babysitting you." he joked. I smiled, assured. 

"Oh, we're going to the beach?" I asked lightly. Ryan nodded and I beamed at him - I loved the beach. I kissed Ryan lightly on the cheek and bounced out of bed. I walked across the hall and into Ronnie's room, where I collected my clothes for the day from his wardrobe. I decided on wearing a yellow, sleeveless summerdress overtop of my black bikini. I slipped that on before going into the bathroom and crimping my hair for the first time in years. I decided against makeup, considering we were going to the beach, so I then just slipped on my black flip flops and walked back out to Ryan. He was wearing blue jeans and a tight, grey t-shirt. He wasn't wearing make up either, but his black hair was styled perfectly, the way it always was. I knew I wasn't technically allowed to think so, but Ryan was really hot. He walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the forehead. 

"You look really beautiful." he told me. I blushed and smiled. 

"Thanks. You look great yourself." I told him. He beamed at me. We heard a vibrating noise from the bed next to us, and he picked up his iPhone and held it to his ear. 

"Hello? Oh, hey. Yeah, really? That's cool. Okay, see you." he said in reply to whatever the person on the other end of the phone was saying. 

"That was Ronnie. He said for me to bring you down now." he explained. I smiled at him and let him lead me out of the front door and into his car. He turned on the radio and let whatever radio station was on blare through the car. I rested my head on the back of the seat and let the unusually bright sun warm my face. It was mid October, but the sun had been shining like this for weeks. Not that we were complaining. I closed my eyes and sighed dreamily, feeling myself drift into a light sleep.

I woke up when Ryan suddenly parked the car. My eyes flickered open, and I expected to see a beach, but all I saw was trees, and lots of them. 

"Where are we?" I asked, slipping out of the car. He smiled at me. 

"We're meeting Ronnie here. Patience." he said, giving me a small, one armed hug.

"How long?" I asked impatiently. But Ryan didn't even have time to reply, because right at that moment, Ronnie came jogging through the trees. He wasn't wearing anything except for his swimming trunks, and he looked so beautiful that my breath caught. 

"Hi, Ronnie." I said, breathlessly. He kissed me softly on the mouth. 

"Hey, babe. Hey Ryan." he said, giving him a small wave. Ryan waved back. Ronnie slipped his hand into mine, and lead me through the trees. 

"Where's the beach?" I asked. He didn't reply, but we soon found a small crevise between two trees. He pushed them apart and walked through, beckoning me to follow him. I did what I was told, and I vaguely heard Ryan following behind me. I would have turned around, but the sight that met my eyes captivated me. In front of me was the most beautiful beach I'd ever seen. The sand was white and looked light, and the water was crystal blue. In the distance, dolphins could be seen jumping in and out of the water. It was literally like a scene from a movie. We walked over to where Hellie, Jacky, Ron and Derek were sitting on beach towels, next to a cooler and a pile of wood. 

"Hey, Annie!" they all greeted me. I waved at them and sat next to Derek. I'd never spoken to him much, but since we didn't have much time left together, I thought that now would be a good time. 

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