So, it looks like I'm part of the family.

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[I must apologise to Hellie and Finley, because I ripped off your story. (A).]

In the car, Hellie automatically turned on the Falling in Reverse CD. As much as I was pissed off with Ronnie right now, I did like it. I found myself humming along with the songs. 

"I like him better now than in Escape the Fate." she said casually, as she drove to the mall. I shrugged and she looked at me wide-eyed. 

"Of course! You've never listened to them, have you?" she asked. I shook my head. She took out the Falling in Reverse CD and put it carefully back in it's case, somehow not taking her eyes off the road as she did so. She handed me the CD and smiled at my confused expression. 

"Keep it. I have the real thing." she said, her voice filled with pride. I bit my lip. I hadn't considered that I might have to leave soon. She put in a new CD. The front cover had the bottom half of a woman's face, and make up was smeared down her cheeks. She put on a song, and I listened to it. Wow. It was really really good. Hellie sang along loudly. 

"Sitting in this room, playing Russian Roulette. Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet..." she sang. I bit my lip and smiled. The lyrics were really beautiful. She changed the song, and an accoustic number came on. I could tell from the lyrics that it was about his mother, and it made me get a little teary. 

"Does he ever talk about her?" I asked with a hoarse voice. Hellie shook her head. 

"No. He literally acts like she doesn't exist. And in a way, she doesn't. She hasn't even ever tried to contact him." she said sadly. I looked down. 

"What about your parents?" I asked, looking at her sideways. She smiled lightly. 

"Yeah, they tried to get me to come home a few months ago, but I refused. I love the guys. They're my family now." she said. 

"Are you angry at me?"

"No, why should I be?"

"Because, Ronnie's done so much for you, and he's like your brother, and I'm hurting him." 

"I wish you wouldn't hurt him. But he hurt you too. I love you too, Annette, and I don't want either of you hurting each other. I'm just as upset with him as I am with you." 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, feeling suddenly ashamed. She put her hand lightly on my knee and squeezed. 

"Don't worry about it. You guys will sort this out, I just know it." she said brightly as she parked the car. We slipped out and walked to the enterance of the mall. I'd been here loads of times before, but never with a friend. Always with Charlie. My heart ached as we walked in, and I remembered all the good times we'd had here. Even the arguments. I missed him so much. 

"Text him." Hellie said, cutting into my thoughts. I looked at her, mouth agape. She grinned. 

"I'm good at reading people. Text Charlie. Tell him you're okay, and that you love him. Tell him that you two need a break or whatever. Tell him what you feel." she said. I nodded and pulled out my Blackberry. I was surprised that I didn't have any texts from anyone, though that was probably because other than my office and Charlie, I rarely talked to anyone else. 

"Hey, Charlie. I don't know what happened last night, but I didn't like it. I'm sorry for what I did, but you were way out of line. Nobody deserves that. I promise, I still love you, but I think we need time apart because you hurt me so badly. I can't believe what you did. I'm not angry, but you've really broken my heart this time. I'm willing to have a break and then try again, what do you say?" I typed out the message, re-read it and then sent it. As soon as I did, I felt a wave of calm pour over me. 

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