Mistake number one.

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When I got home, Charlie was cleaning up his dinner plate.

"I'm home!" I called, dumping my handbag and briefcase at the door. When I walked into the kitchen, he pulled me into a huge hug that was safe and familiar. I snuggled into his chest, revelling in his scent, and the feeling of home. 

"Have a good day?" he asked, kissing my cheek. I felt a rush of guilt as he did so, but I tried to ignore it. 

"Yeah, it was okay. I got everything finished. But you'll never guess who I had lunch with!" I said, trying to make it sound scandalous, so maybe he wouldn't be as disapproving. 

"Who?" he asked, leaning against the counter casually. 

"Do you remember Max Green?" I asked. His eyes widened. 

"Shit, not him!" he exclaimed. I hid my smile. He always hated Max more than Ronnie, so I had planned it this way, so perhaps he'd be more accepting. 

"No, fuck no. I meant, his best friend, Ronald. Do you remember him?" I asked sweetly. His frown faded a little, but he still didn't look happy. 

"Oh. The one who was obsessed with you?" he said darkly. I cleared my throat. 

"Yeah, well he's like, really famous now, and he has a band, and he asked to meet me for lunch, so I thought 'why not', and he invited us to his concert tonight." I said quickly. Charlie looked a bit disconcerted, but shrugged. 

"I can't go, dear. Too much work. The boss wants my graphic designs on his desk tomorrow morning, so I haven't got the time." he said, though I knew he was only making excuses. He made to go into his study, and I closed my eyes. 

"Well, I'm going to go on my own then." I called. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me, his face frozen in a mask of disbelief. 

"No you're not." he told me. I locked my jaw defiantly. 

"Yes I am. He's my friend, and I promised I'd go." I said firmly. He sighed. 

"Okay, baby. Just stay safe, and text me alright? I don't want you to get hurt." he said, though he looked disconcerted. I looked at him, wide-eyed as he came over and kissed me on the forehead. 

"I trust you." he said, looking me deep in the eyes. He kissed me swiftly on the mouth and left the room. I hovered for a minute,  but when I heard his office door shut, I ran out of the room and sprinted upstairs to change. I stripped out of my work clothes and - completely uncharacteristically - dropped them on the floor. I searched my wardrobe, and eventually found the black skinny jeans my sister had given me for my birthday, in an attempt to make me dress more 'casually'. I'd never worn them, but I guess there was a first time for everything. I slipped them on and rummaged through my wardrobe for a shirt that was appropriate. I finally came out with a red corset-like strapless top with black lace and strings. I did myself up, pulled on my boots and looked in the mirror. I wrinkled my nose. I looked too casual. I hadn't dressed down this way in years. I tilted my head to the side. Maybe I could make it work. I quickly redid my eyeliner, making it sightly thicker than it was earlier and re applied my lipstick. My hair still looked good from before, but I sprayed a little bit more hairspray on it, just in case. I grabbed my handbag and quickly left the house without saying goodbye to Charlie because I knew he'd ask me to go right back upstairs and change if he saw me. I got into my car, pulled out of the driveway and was cruising down the main road. I turned on one of the local radio stations, in the hopes that maybe there would be something about Ronnie. Sure enough, after a couple of minutes...

"...band Falling in Reverse. They've never played at this music hall before, so it's going to be great to see how you guys welcome them! If you're going to the show, I hope you have a great time, we've heard good things about them. If not, then don't worry, here's their new song Good Girls Bad Guys off their The Drug in Me is You album. It was just released as a single yesterday, and we hope you all like it." the overly-happy radio host chirped. Within seconds, Ronnie's voice filled my car. The lyrics, from the beginning made me chuckle, and as the song progressed, I burst into full-blown laughter several times. That's not to say that I didn't like the music - I loved it! I thought the guitar solos were particuarily good, and I looked forward to meeting the guitarist. I got a bit excited as I drove down to the music hall. I wasn't too sure what to expect. A few minutes later, I arrived and parked in the parking lot next door to the hall. I checked my hair and make up again, grabbed my handbag and walked around to the front of the hall. Whatever I'd expected, it certainly wasn't that. 

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