The very worst thing that could have happened.

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[[Hey guys. :) Just a warning here, this chapter gets pretty distressing and a little graphic. Don't read if you're easily offended, have a weak stomach or anything like that. I wanted to avoid this topic. but it just kind of happened. Sorry!]]

As soon as Jacky came into the room, Hellie bounced up and ran into his arms. He cuddled her tightly, looking like he never wanted to let go. I smiled - I definitely thought she had a chance with him, and made a mental note to tell her so later. While I was watching her talk to him and fuss about him, Ronnie slung his arm around my shoulders. I looked up and smiled. His hair was wet with sweat and so was his whole body. He was panting and looked exhausted, but happy. 

"Oh, Ronnie, you were wonderful!" I enthused, wrapping my arms tightly around him. He hugged me tightly back. 

"I'm so glad you liked it." he murmured into my hair. I inhaled his scent. Even though right now he smelled slightly of sweat, I could still smell his distinctive Ronnie smell that, although we'd only been back in contact for like a day, I'd become used to. He kissed me on the head and pulled away. 

"Okay, so Annie, this is Derek." he said. Derek came forward and gave me a quick one-armed hug. 

"We've heard a lot about you." he beamed, and dropped onto the sofa. 

"This is Ron." he introduced. Ron walked over to me and gave me a sort of awkward hug. 

"Oh, so we finally get to meet you then." he smiled, and joined Derek on the sofa. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Jacky unwound himself from around Hellie and shook my hand. 

"I'm Jacky. You certainly exceeded our expectations - and I didn't think that was possible." he smiled before winding himself back around Hellie. I was spotting a bit of a pattern, and looked up at Ronnie. His face was blushed red and he was looking awkwardly at the floor. Ryan strode over and kissed me firmly on the mouth. I reeled a little bit. 

"I'm Ryan. I'm glad to meet the famous Annette." he purred, kissing my hand. I blushed. 

"Back the fuck off Ryan." Ronnie growled. Ryan raised an eyebrow.

"Jealous, Radke?" he asked. Ronnie slapped him playfully over the head, and the two burst into laughter. I smiled. 

"I see you've met Hellie." Ronnie said, gesturing to her. I nodded. 

"Yeah, she's so sweet." I enthused. Ronnie nodded in agreement. 

"I know. Poor kid. I'm just glad I could help." he explained. 

"Anyway, where are my manners. Do you want a drink?" he asked. I bit my lip. 

"I should be getting home." I mumbled. His face dropped. 

"Oh. Okay. Well, I'll walk you to your car." he offered. I smiled. I felt a strange sadness as I looked at the band. I'd only just barely met them, but I already felt connected to them in a way. 

"Bye guys. I'll try to come see you before you leave." I promised. They all crouded around me and gave me a group hug. I giggled. 

"Bye, Annette!" the chorused. Ronnie flipped them all the finger and lead me out of the room. 

The venue was completely empty, but Ronnie stopped me. 

"Before you go, I wanna do something." he murmured. I nodded and let him take my hand and lead me onstage. I looked out over where - not half an hour ago - the audience had been screaming and thrashing and cheering. I smiled. Ronnie pulled me into a slow-dance position and began to waltz with me around the stage. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed. He tightened his grip on me as we spun around. 

"9th grade. I asked you to the prom and you said no because you were with Charlie." he said. I bit my lip and nodded. 

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