I hate goodbyes.

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The next day, I woke up to find Ronnie sitting on the ege of the bed, his head in his hands as sobs shook his body. I bit my lip and leaned over, kissing him on the shoulder. 

"Ronnie? Baby?" I whispered. He turned around and held me close to him, not saying a word, just rocking me gently and kissing my head. 

"Ronnie, what's wrong?" I demanded. He sighed and wiped his eyes. 

"Annie, Annie, I'm sorry. There's nothing I could do." he said, his lips trembling. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Nothing you could do about what?" I asked. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. 

"We're going to have to take you to your new house today." he confessed. I felt my stomach drop. No, not now. I needed more time. 

"What? No, Ronnie, not until the day after tomorrow! We still have two days!" I insisted. He shook his head. 

"My tour manager called me this morning. If we're going to make it to our first tour date, we're going to have to leave tomorrow." he breathed. I clenched my fists. 

"Why did you plan tour dates for this early?" I spat. He flinched. 

"I'm sorry. I thought we'd have all the time we needed and more." he sighed. I felt tears of anger and sadness in my eyes. 

"Then why don't we?" I snapped. 

"I don't know. It just turned out that way. Forgive me, please?" he begged. I gave him the coldest glare I could manage. 

"I won't forgive you for this, Ronald. I wanted two more days with you, and now you tell me I barely have one? I can't forgive you for that." I told him sharply. He buried his head in his hands again and I saw him shake from crying. 

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." he breathed. I didn't say anything, I just got up and stormed out of the bedroom. I wasn't really angry at Ronnie, of course, I was just sad. I wished I could have more time. I needed more time. I walked downstairs, and Hellie smiled at me, but her smile dropped when she saw the expression on my face. 

"Annie? Are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked, jumping me up and pulling me into a big hug. I leaned against her, completely lifeless. I felt like all the happiness and everything in the world that I loved had been sucked out of me. I was nothing. Hellie pulled away and held me at arm's length, inspecting me. 

"Shit, Annie, what is it?" she asked, her voice filled with panic. 

"You're leaving." I said bluntly, and I was shocked by how robotic and dead my voice sounded. 

"No, don't be silly Annie, I'm not going anywhere." she assured me, wiping my tears. I stared blankly at her. She didn't get it. 

"No.  I'm going." I tried to explain in as few words as I could. Her face darkened with confusion. 

"What? Annie, what's happening?" she snapped impatiently. 

"Uh, Hellie?" called Jacky from the doorway. Her head snapped up. 

"Jacky, what's going on with Annie?" she demanded. I heard him sigh. 

"Come out here and I'll explain. Annie, sit down." he ordered. I walked over to the sofa and plopped down. I was leaving Hellie and the boys and Ronnie. My Ronnie. It was too much to bear. When Hellie came back into the room, she was sobbing hysterically. 

"Oh, Annie! Annie, I'm so sorry." she cried, collapsing next to me on the sofa. I just stared at her blankly as she sobbed her heart out. 

"Annie, I wish you could come with us. Oh, Annie, I love you." she cried. I patted her hand softly. 

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