Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.

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"HELLIE!" I screamed. I heard footsteps on the stairs, and then the bathroom door burst open. I must have looked a state, crouched on the floor, my head in my hands. Tears were pouring down my face. She looked at me blankly.

"Annie...are you..." she whispered. I couldn't speak. I nodded, and she gasped and threw her arms around me. 

"Oh God. Oh, Annie, what are we going to do?" she cried. I looked up at her. 

"You're supposed to be the one that knows what to do!"

"But I don't!"


"Fuck!" she repeated. We both sat there, her holding me, and me crying my eyes out. After a while, Jacky knocked on the open door. 

"Annie, are you okay?" he asked quietly in his cute british accent. I looked up at him and smiled weakly, but I shook my head. 

"No. No I'm not." I said through my tears. He crouched down next to Hellie and stroked my hair. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. I couldn't answer, I just pointed to the windowsill. He stood up slowly, and after a few moments, I heard him gasp. 

"Wait, Annie. Does this mean..."



"There we go." I sighed. He crouched down and stroked my hair again. 

"You've gotta tell Ronnie." he murmured. I looked up at him in alarm. 

"Hell no. He'll dump me faster than you can say 'unplanned pregnancy.'" I said, fighting the bubbles of hysterical laughter that threatened to escape my throat. Hellie and Jacky both looked at me sadly. 

"He loves you." she whispered, after a moment. I shook my head violently. 

"Not yet. I don't want to tell him yet." I insisted. She sighed. 

"Okay. We need to get you cleaned up though, okay?" she suggested. I nodded. Hellie threw all of the tests and their boxes into the bin, and Jacky lead me into mine and Ronnie's room. He wiped my tears away with a tissue, and cuddled me. 

"Shall I get Ronnie?" he whispered. 

"No!" I cried. He nodded understandingly. 

"Ryan?" he asked. I bit my lip. 

"Yes, please." I whispered. He kissed me on the forehead and left the room. I heard him say something to Hellie, and they both went downstairs. Then I was alone. I stared up at the ceiling, and put my hand lightly on my stomach. Pregnant. I'm pregnant. With Ronnie Radke's baby. The thought filled me with such happiness, I had to fight not to laugh. But at the same time, I was terrified. I timidly slid my hand up under my shirt and let my fingers dance across the place where my new baby was forming. I smiled slightly. 

"I love you." I whispered. It was then that there was a knock on the door. I pulled my hand out from under my shirt and sat up a little. 

"Come in." I called hoarsely. The door swung open, and I expected to find Ryan. Instead, Ronnie stood there, looking at me with an expression of pure anger and hurt. 

"Fucking lovely, Annie." he spat. I looked at him, wide-eyed and confused. 


"Call for Ryan and not me? Way to punch me in the balls." he spat. Oh. I hadn't considered that. 

"No, Ronnie...I didn't..." I began, but he cut me off. 

"Seriously, if you don't want to be with me, then fine. But just tell me."

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