I hate you almost as much as I hate me.

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I was awoken the next morning by shouting by the foot of my bed. I kept my eyes tightly shut. 

"You can't do that, Ronnie." 

"Yes I can." 

"No, you fucking can't. You can't keep treating people like shit." 

"Ryan, in case you hadn't noticed, I just fucking washed her blood off of her body."

"Yeah, that was really nice of you too, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be an ass to her."

"I'm not being an ass. If she wants him, she can go back to him."

"He'll fucking kill her and you know it."

"Maybe she shouldn't take the people who actually give a shit for granted then."

"Dude, are you being fucking serious?"

"Yeah, I am."

"What the fuck, Ronnie? This isn't like you."

"She loves him! She fucking loves him, after everything he did to her, and I've been nothing but nice to her, and she still doesn't give a fuck about me. She has nothing to do with me."

"You love her too."

"Of course I do, but she's not my problem."

"You know, I don't get you, Ronnie." Ryan said. There was a few minutes of complete silence, so I decided now would be a good time to 'wake up'. I flickered my eyes open and stretched dramatically, smiling at the two guys. 

"Morning." I said cheerfully, trying not to burst into tears at the cold expression on Ronnie's face. 

"Hi." Ronnie snapped. I faked a confused expression. 

"What's going on?" I asked innocently. 

"Nothing. Get changed back into your clothes and go home." he ordered, his face an emotionless mask. I bit my lip. 


"It doesn't matter. Bye." he snapped. I took a deep breath, willing myself not to cry. 

"No. Annie, don't listen to him. Stay." Ryan cut in. Ronnie shot him a dark look. 

"I don't want her here." he growled. His words hurt me, but I kept it together. 

"Well, I do." Ryan protested. 

"It's not your room." Ronnie replied childishly. Ryan sighed. 

"Okay then, Annie. Collect your stuff and come into my room. It's literally just across the hall." he offered. I nodded and smiled as I quickly raced around the room picking up my bag and my clothes. 

"Do you want your clothes back?" I asked Ronnie quietly.

"No. Keep them." he sniffed. I nodded softly and grabbed Ryan's outstretched hand as he lead me to his room. The room was very similar to Ronnie's, except maybe a little smaller. 

"Get settled in." Ryan said awkwardly. I perched on his bed and almost immediately burst into tears. Ryan rushed across the room and cradled me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest. 

"Shh, it's okay." he whispered, stroking my hair.

"He wants me to die." I concluded. He shook his head.

"No, he's just a bit hurt. He'll come around, I promise." he said sweetly, wiping a tear off from my face. I hiccuped and smiled. He scanned my outfit and shook his head.

"How about I ask Hellie if she wants to go shopping with you?" he suggested. I grinned and nodded, but then my smile faded. I left my wallet at home. 

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