Lazy day my ass.

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Hey, just a warning, a bit of a graphic sex scene ahead! Choo choo! 

"Ronnie. I am abso-fucking-lutely exhausted. Can we just stay in today?" I begged. Ronnie, Jacky and Ryan were sitting at the kitchen table, trying to discuss what to do today. Ronnie looked wordlessly at Jacky and Ryan. Ryan shrugged. 

"She's right. We have been really busy recently."

"I'm exhausted too, mate." Jacky agreed. I smirked at him, but he looked up at me, his face filled with annoyance. 

"No. We're going out." he said firmly. I groaned, and heard Ronnie grinding his teeth. 

"Ronnie, mate, too much activity isn't good for baby Radke." Jacky reasoned. Ronnie clenched his fists. 

"Yeah. Give her a day to rest, and we can all go out tomorrow." Ryan concluded. Ronnie slammed his fist on the table. 

"If you haven't noticed, we only have 3 days left with her, because on the 4th day, we're helping her into her new house. Okay, 3 fucking days with her. I'm sorry if I fucking want to make sure she has the best fucking time of her life." he spat before storming out of the room. I sighed and plopped down in a chair, and hid my head in my arms. Ryan rubbed my back comfortingly. 

"He's just getting upset, that's all. He doesn't want you to go." he said softly. I glared at him. 

"He's the one MAKING me go." I reminded him. He shrugged sadly. 

"Yeah, I know. That's probably what makes it even worse for him." he explained, I felt a bit guilty, but I stuck out my chin defiantly. 

"Yeah, well, you're right. I'm pregnant, and I need my rest." I said firmly. They nodded in agreement. 

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I said after a moment of silence. I got up and walked out of the kitchen, and I saw Ronnie sitting in the living room with Hellie, Ron and Derek. I say he was sitting with them, he was moping in the corner. 

"Radke." I said sharply. He looked up at me, a blank look on his face. 

"Come out here." I said, my voice slightly softer, but still firm. He stood up and followed me out into the hallway. 

"I'm sorry for that." he began, but I cut him off. 

"No, it's fine. I understand. But Ronnie, seriously, it's all just too much. I do need to relax, because if you haven't noticed, I'm starting to show, and I don't want anything bad to happen to me or our baby." I explained softly, and it was true. There was a small bump between my hips, so slight that if you didn't know me, you wouldn't know I was pregnant, but big enough for me to be 100% sure that that is what it was, and not just me gaining weight. He sighed and rubbed my stomach softly. 

"You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. Let's go make a huge nest in the living room and we can just chill today, okay? No one is out of their PJ's anyway." he suggested. I grinned at him in agreement. I walked into the livingroom and gave his proposition to the people in there, while he did the same to the people in the kitchen. They all agreed, and soon everyone came trudging downstairs with all of the blankets and pillows in the house, and we made a big nest in front of the TV, we even moved the sofas out of the way to give us more room. After that, all that was left was for us to make some popcorn, bringing out the junk food and putting on an old film. 

"Snow White?" I snorted. Hellie nodded enthusiastically. 

"Yeah! Everyone loves Snow White!" she cried. Well, it turns out, everyone DOES love Snow White, everyone in Falling in Reverse, anyway. I snuggled up comfortably between Ryan and Ronnie, and Hellie sat in between Jacky's legs. Ron was leaning on Ryan and Derek was leaning on Jacky, and we turned the lights off and just sat there. 

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