And the sunlight is peeking through the clouds.

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I woke up alone in mine and Ryan's bed. My phone light was flashing. I rolled over groggily and looked at it. It was a text from Derek. 

"Morning Annie. :) We're down having breakfast, so come down whenever the hell you want. Love you!" I grinned and texted back straight away. 

"Okay, be down soon. Just gotta get changed and stuff. How long are you gonna be down there? Oh, and I love you too!" I replied. I threw my phone onto the bed and got up. I stripped and put on a new bra and underwear set that I bought yesterday. I put Ronnie's boxers carefully into the laundry basket that Ryan and I shared, and threw my old bra in there too. I put on a new white, sleeveless shirt with gold buttons down it. With it, I also put on my new black skinny jeans with white upside-down crosses on them and threw on a pair of plain white socks and my new black creepers. Then I bounced into the bathroom, removed all of yesterday's make up, washed my face with face scrub that I bought yesterday, and once I'd wiped that off, I put moisturiser on. Then I quickly did my make up, making sure not to put too much eyeliner on, and finished with red lip tint. I quickly dropped all my cosmetics back on top of the bedside table on my side of the bed, and threw Hellie's outfit that she leant me into the basket. I checked my phone. Derek texted back. 

"However long it takes. We're waiting for you. :)" I smiled and shoved the phone into my pocket as I raced downstairs. 

I went to the cute little restaurant in the hotel, and saw them sitting at a table across the way. They were all wearing their Falling in Reverse jackets. How subtle. I walked in and pulled up a chair, kissing Derek on the cheek. He was in a wheelchair right now because he injured himself onstage, but that didn't bother him too much. 

"Hey, I'm here." I said happily. 

"That's obvious." Ronnie muttered, looking down at his food. Ron smacked him across the face and turned to me, missing the 'What the fuck?' look Ronnie shot him. I bit my lip to hide my giggle. 

"We ordered for you already, but we told them to hold it until you got here." he said happily. I smiled at him. 

"Aw, thanks Ron." I said, squeezing his hand. 

"Morning, Annie!" Jacky called from across the table. He was sitting next to Hellie, who was tucking into her breakfast hungrily. 

"Morning, Jacky. Morning Hellie." I replied. She looked up, her face full of food and gave me a thumbs-up before turning her attention back to her meal. Ryan was sitting on my left and kissed me on the cheek. 

"Goodmorning." he said softly. I smiled. 


"How are you feeling?" he asked. I paused. 

"...better. It still hurts, but I'll be okay. I have you guys." I said, smiling at them. Ronnie looked up and took off his sunglasses. Why he was wearing sunglasses inside, I will never know. 

"Actually, we meant to talk to you about that." he began, but Ron smacked him around the head again.

"Dude, stop that." Ronnie snapped. Ron smiled serenely. 

"Stop being an asshole then." Ron retorted. He reached out and grabbed my hand. 

"You can stay for as long as you want."

"But what about when you guys go on tour?" 

"Just do what Hellie does. Come with us." Jacky said, squeezing her tightly. I smiled gratefully at him, just as my food arrived. Bacon, eggs, sausage, beans and fried tomato. My stomach growled just looking at it. The waiter also put a cup of herbal tea in front of me, and I looked at it with surprise. 

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