That went better than expected.

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 I was expecting an intro of some sort. But no, all of a sudden, the lights were on, the drums were pounding, the guitars blaring and Ronnie ran to the middle of the stage. The set was quite impressive, actually. In the background was a huge picture of pink lips being licked by a greenish-blue tongue with 'Falling in Reverse' scrawled underneath. I didn't recognise the song, but the beginning of it sounded good. Ronnie grabbed his mic and started singing. The whole audience sang back to him, and I was once again lost in the emotion. Watching him on stage, even for the beginning of the song, I saw that he had a real emotional bond with the audience. I watched him move around the stage, how he interacted with his bandmates, his crazy little actions that looked so quirky yet so organised. In my whole life, no ballet or any other dance performance could ever match the way Ronnie moved on stage. He jumped to the front of the stage. 

"HI, MY NAME IS RONNIE, I'M AN ADDICT!" he shouted, and held the microphone out to the audience. 

"HI, RONNIE!" they all screamed back, and I saw a smile playing on his lips as he carried on with the song. It made me smile, how happy and content and just right he looked onstage. Although I knew that he'd never played at this hall before, he looked so at home and comfortable. The song ended and Ronnie smiled at the croud as they cheered. I admit it - I was jumping and screaming like crazy. His eyes scanned the guard's area, and he grinned even wider when he saw me cheering for him. He walked over to the guitar amp and put his leg up, and gave the audience his sexy crooked grin. I felt my knees go weak at the sight of it. 

"Guys, you know I'll always be here for you whenever you need me right?" he said. The audience cheered. He smiled softly. 

"Okay, well, bearing that in mind, there's a little bit of advice I'd like to give you." he announced, taking his leg off the amp. He walked straight to the middle of the stage and spread his legs apart. 

"Don't...mess...with..." he growled into the mic before handing it out to the croud. 

"OUIJA BOARDS!" they shouted back. He brought the mic back to his lips and began to sing the song. I use the term 'sing' lightly. Most of it was growling, which was done by both him and one of the guitarists. It was a good song, but I didn't particuarily like it. Nonetheless, when he was finished I cheered and clapped and screamed my head off. Without a word, the song changed. It sounded almost like something that would be played at a carnival. I decided by the chorus that I both liked and didn't like the song. I liked it because honestly, it was really catchy, and after hearing Ronnie's story earlier, the lyrics were meaningful. But I didn't like it because of how he looked when he sang it. He looked bitter and angry, and there was a slight sadness in his eyes as he sang. Nonetheless, he never once dropped his frontmanship. He still danced and moved and held the mic out to the audience sometimes. Halfway through, there was a beautiful piano piece. During it, he looked straight at me at one point and grinned. I grinned back. As the piano piece ended, he blew me a kiss and carried on singing, much to the enjoyment of the audience. 

The song ended and Ronnie walked to the middle of the stage. 

"You know, Ryan had a great idea earlier." he said, walking to the back of the stage and clapping his drummer on the back. The audience waited for him to say more, but he just shrugged. 

"Oh, it wasn't really relevant. I just thought I should tell you guys that it does happen sometimes." he said with a grin. Ryan poked him in the stomach with a drumstick, earning himself a middle-finger from Ronnie. I chuckled at their brotherly banter - I knew I'd get on with Ryan well. 

"So, here comes the cliche." he sighed. "This is my drummer, Ryan Seaman." he announced, gesturing dramatically to the drummer. Ryan stood up and took a bow. 

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