No regrets.

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The next couple of days flew by too quickly. We didn't have any more publicity things to do, so we just hung out. We tried going for walks in the park, out to the cinema and to dinner, but Ronnie got recognised everywhere he went, so it sort of ruined the mood a bit. Once that failed, we started just hanging out in our hotel room. I'd go out and rent a few DVDs, and buy some food, and we'd just chill in the room all day. Believe it or not, other than that one thing in the car, we didn't do anything sexual at all. Ever. We did have some pretty sexy make out sessions, but we always stopped before we got too far. Admittedly, it was one of the best weeks of my life. That was, at least, up until Thursday evening. Jacky, Hellie, Ronnie and I were sitting in Jacky's room watching TV. Jacky, Hellie, Ronnie and I had already packed our things and were waiting for Ron, Ryan and Derek to finish and join us. 

"You're gonna love the house, Annette." Jacky said casually. Such a small, insignificant comment, but it changed everything. Ronnie's face dropped, and Hellie fidgeted uncomfortably. Jacky, obviously realising what he'd said, looked down awkwardly. There was a small silence that followed. 

"Are you coming with us?" Hellie asked softly. I looked at her wide eyes. I couldn't answer. The truth was, I'd already made up my mind. 

"She doesn't know." Ronnie interjected tersely. I looked up at him. He looked sad, but was trying to hide it. 

"We're going to discuss it. Now." he said sharply. I stood up and followed him out of the room without a word to Jacky or Hellie. We walked brisquely across the hall and walked into his room without a room to each other. I eyed our suitcases, sitting next to each other, completely packed. I sat on the bed and looked up at him, waiting for him to say something. 

"Are you coming?" he said bluntly. I bit my lip and looked down. 

"I can't." I whispered. The words killed me to say, but they were true. No matter how much I loved Ronnie and Hellie and the guys, I couldn't leave my life here. I worked so hard for my job and the respect I had. I wasn't going to throw that away, not for anyone. Not for anything. 

"Why? Why not?" Ronnie asked desperately. He must have known I wouldn't have gone with him. Did he actually ever consider that I'd drop everything and leave with him? The answer was in his eyes - yes, he did. 

"Because I have a life here. I can't be on the road with you. It wouldn't work." 

"Move with us then get a new job. I'm sure you have contacts all over the US." 

"It's not that easy. You're always leaving. I'd miss you, and it would distract me."

"Wouldn't you miss me if I left? Wouldn't it distract you."

"I'd forget about you. Eventually." I muttered, knowing the words weren't true even as I said them. 

"Probably. But that gives me more of a reason to ask you to come with me. To beg you to come with me. I don't want you to forget me." 

"You'll find someone else."

"There's never been anyone else." 

"There could be."

"I don't want there to be. I've only just got you, Annie. I don't want to lose you. Not now, not ever." he said desperately. 

"Ronnie, we won't work. Our lives, our experiences. They're too different." 

"I don't care. I really don't."

"Ronnie, I-." I began, but I stopped when I saw his expression. He was giving me a sad little smile. 

"Okay. I'm not going to force you to come with me. Just, let me give you something to remember me by." he said, his voice hoarse with the effort of holding back tears. I bit my lip. 

"Okay." I whispered. He took a step closer to me and cupped my cheek in his hand. I felt a rush of sadness as I realised this might be the last time he held me like this. I slid backwards on the bed, so my back was against the headboard. He kissed me delicately, combing his hands through my hair as he did. He broke the kiss for a moment to kick off his shoes, and I did the same. He pulled his shirt over his head, and started kissing me again. He slid my shirt off over my head, never breaking the kiss, and undid my bra. I dropped my clothes to the floor. We were both lying there, completely topless as our lips brushed against each other softly but passionately. Ronnie broke the kiss and started kissing my cheek, my jaw, my neck. He kissed softly along my collar bones, and then kissed down between my breasts. I gasped as he slowly started running his hands over my naked chest. He came back up to my face and kissed me, but with one hand undid my jeans. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kicked of my jeans, and let him slip my underwear off. I flipped him over and kissed down his bare chest, earning myself a couple of moans. I got down to his jeans and opened the button and pulled down the zipper with my teeth. Then - with his help - I slid his jeans down to reveal the tent in his boxers. I was about to make short work of them, but he flipped me over again. I looked up at him in confusion. He just chuckled, but his eyes still had a sad little glint in them. 

"Are you sure?" he said thickly. I bit my lip. I'd only ever slept with Charlie in my life. But I loved Ronnie now, and I might not see him for a very long time...the thought filled me with a horrible feeling of despair and I nodded fervently. I wanted him to have me. 

"Yes. Ronnie, yes." I whispered. He took a deep breath and took off his boxers, letting them fall to the floor. My breath caught. The sight of him naked was beautiful. 

"Wow." I breathed. He smiled softly. 

"I was thinking the same of you." he smiled. 

"Wait, Ronnie. You Right?" I asked. He bit his lip. 

"No..." he sighed. He went to put his clothes back on. I felt a rush of fear at the thought that I wouldn't get to have him...

"Don't worry." I said. He looked at me, eyebrow arched. 

"Don't worry? You mean, just..."

"Yes. Ronnie, I want you. Please." I whispered. He looked at my doubtfully, but he positioned himself between my legs again, and thrust in. It hurt a bit at first, because of the 'size difference' between him and Charlie, but the pleasure far surpassed the pain. I didn't know where he ended and I began. We moved as one, beautiful being, our every movement was like a complex step in a ballet, but it was beautiful all the same. It wasn't raw or animalistic like I'd expected, it was soft and sweet. 

"...Thank you Annie. I love you." he whispered in my ear. I shivvered and kissed him. I wished I could tell him I loved him back, but I knew it would just hurt him when I left. We finished together, and he looked me straight in the eye as he did. He pulled out, and lay next to me, entwining our still-naked bodies together. 

"I love you." He whispered. I didn't know what to say. Nothing I could say would be enough. Nothing except...

"I'm staying." I whispered back. He sat up, eyes wide. 

"Really?" he said, elated. He didn't even bother trying to hide his excitement. I smiled at him. 

"Yes. I have nothing here, and I don't want to lose you." I admitted. He pulled me into a warm hug and kissed my head. 

"Thank you, Annie. Oh, God. Thank you." he said, tears pouring down his cheeks. I felt tears running down my own face, but I didn't bother wiping them off. I was too happy. We slid under the covers together, and he held me close to him. 

"Goodnight Annie, I love you." 

"Goodnight Ronnie." I whispered. 

"Will you be my girlfriend? Officially?" he whispered in my ear. His voice was quiet and full of insecurity, like the geeky guy at highschool asking out the popular girl. I smiled. 

"Yes, Ronnie. Of course." I said, before kissing him on the cheek and snuggling up to him until I fell asleep. 

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