Princess for a day.

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Hello :) Sorry that this one's a bit anti-climactic, I thought that since you had to wait so long for the last one, I'd surprise you and give you two on one day, so I kind of rushed it a bit. Nonetheless, here you go. I hope you like it :D

I woke up at about noon the next day. I was exhausted. As expected, Ronnie was already out of bed, and I could hear the familiar sounds of everyone in the kitchen and living room from downstairs. I stretched and rolled out of bed, before padding downstairs to my boys and Hellie. I found Ryan, Derek and Ron in the living room watching Spongebob Squarepants. They weren't dressed, so I assumed today was going to be another one of those 'lazy' days that were so rare around here. 
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Derek said with a grin. I smiled back at him. 
"Morning, Der. Where's Ronnie?" I asked. He shrugged, and Ron cut in. 
"Your Prince awaits in the kitchen." he said in a fake english accent. I giggled and thanked him before walking into the kitchen. Hellie was cleaning the dishes, and Ronnie and Jacky were sitting at the kitchen table chatting. 
"Hey, guys." I greeted them. Jacky and Ronnie both looked up and smiled at me in greeting. 
"Oh, good, you're awake!" Hellie squealed, bouncing over and hugging me. Her hands were still wet, so I tried to avoid them as best I could. 
"Er. Yeah. Any plans for today?" I asked, leaning softly against the counter. Ronnie gave Hellie a 'look' and she nodded. 
"What?" I snapped, impatiently. Jacky and Ronnie chuckled. 
"Nothing. We're going shopping." Hellie said with forced brightness. I shrugged. I guess it was better than staying in all day. 
"Sure. I think I'm starting to gain baby weight though." I said with a pout, grabbing my stomach. Ronnie rolled his eyes. 
"Annie? Shut up. You're beautiful. Go upstairs and get ready." he ordered me. I sighed and stomped out of the kitchen. As soon as the door closed behind me, I heard them talking quickly and quietly, but I was too tired to care. I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth, and then searched through the wardrobe for something to wear, and eventually decided on wearing my fishnet tights, black leather shorts, white vest and black leather jacket. I pulled these on along with my underwear, and then sat in front of Ronnie's make up table. I guess the best thing about having a boyfriend who wears make up, is that I can borrow it whenever I want. I put on my foundation, and put a thin layer of powder over that. I put a light dusting of brown eyeshadow on, and then I put liquid eyeliner on top of my eye, styling it so it looked sort of cat-like. On my waterline, I drew a thick line of eyeliner, matching it up to the line I'd already drawn, before putting on a moderate amount of mascara, and finishing off with red lipstick. I smiled at my reflection. Recently, I'd started dressing and wearing my makeup less conservatively, but I still thought I looked nice. I turned on the straightners, and walked over to my jewellery box while they were heating up. I didn't know why Hellie wanted to go shopping, we both had enough stuff. I searched through for any necklaces or bracelets I wanted to wear, but I couldn't find any, so I just put in my cross earrings and made my way back to the straighteners. It was hard work straightening my hair because of how curly it was, but it was worth it, in the end. Charlie nuzzled my thigh, and I reached down and stroked his head with one hand while straightening my hair with the other. When I was done, I turned off the straighteners, and put a headband with an American flag type pattern on it softly on my head. I made sure I looked absolutely perfect, before grabbing my handbag, pulling on my boots, and walking downstairs. When I got to the living room, Hellie was wearing her Black Veil Brides t-shirt, red skinny jeans and black converse. Her eyes were lined with thick black eyeliner, and she was wearing red mascara. Yep, that's right. Red mascara. I mentally cringed, but I didn't say anything. Ronnie must have read my mind though, because he did a mockingly disgusted face behind her back, earning him a smack on the head from Jacky. By his expression, I could tell that it was worth it. I giggled lightly, and turned my attention back to her. 
"Aweh, Annie, you look so pretty!" she enthused. I smiled. 
"You too." I lied awkwardly. Ronnie snickered, and Jacky smacked him again. I bit my lip to hide my giggle. She beamed at me. 
"You ready?" she asked. I nodded. I kissed Ronnie on the mouth, Ryan on the cheek, Ron and Derek on the tops of their heads, and gave Jacky a one-armed hug.
"See you guys later!" I called as Hellie and I headed out the door. We walked down to Jacky's car, and I noticed she was on her phone. I peered over her shoulder, but she snatched the phone away so it was out of my sight. 
"Gosh, Annette, you're so nosy!" she said. I shrugged.
"You guys are hiding something from me." I said simply. She smiled. 
"No, it's a surprise." she said. I shrugged again and slid into the car. I wasn't really too bothered. Actually, I was kind of upset. Despite what Ronnie said, I was getting a bit bigger, and that both excited me because it meant that my baby was that much closer, and pissed me off, 'cause who wants to be fat? A few minutes later, I realised that Hellie was being rather quiet, and I realised that she was probably frustrated with my lack of curiosity as to my 'surprise', so I decided to humour her. At the next red light, I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and smiled. 
"So, give me a hint?" I asked.
"About what?"
"My surprise!" I enthused. She giggled. 
"No, Ronnie would kill me!"
"Oh, come on, just a hint." I begged. 
"Hmm. Okay. Just one. We have to dress formally for it." she allowed. I bit my lip, thinking hard. 
"Is that why we're going shopping?" I asked. She didn't say anything, but nodded slightly. I sighed. 
"Right. Okay. Well, make sure that you help me choose. You know where we're going, and I don't, so therefore, you know what's appropriate to wear, and I don't." I reasoned. She mulled it over, then shrugged. 
"Sure. Ronnie never said anything about that." she agreed. I beamed at her, and then stared out the window. I was honestly a little bit curious now. Before my thoughts could get too deep, however, I heard a familiar voice on the radio. 
"Holy shit, they're playing Falling in Reverse!" Hellie squealed. She turned the radio up all the way, and Raised by Wolves filled the car, making everything vibrate. The people around us in their cars and walking were looking at us strangely, but we ignored them. 
"Quick, call them!" Hellie ordered. I punched Ronnie's number into my phone, and held it up to my ear. Hellie turned off the radio so I could hear him. 
"Hey, Annie, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, just thought I'd let you know that you guys are on the radio." I told him. I heard him repeat what I said to the other bandmembers. 
"What song?" he asked. I could nearly hear the smile in his voice. 
"Wolves." I said simply. He called it out to the guys, and I heard woops and high-fives. 
"Thanks, Annie, have fun. I'll see you later, okay?" he said. 
"Okay, bye." I said, and hung up. Hellie turned the radio back on, and we spent the rest of the ride to the mall rocking out to the music that our best friends and boyfriends made. We parked the car near enough to the end of the song, and slid out of the car. We both put our sunglasses on, but we knew it was no good. We'd be recognised soon enough. I got recognised more than Hellie, much to both of our annoyance, but she got her fair share of recognition too. In fact, we weren't even inside the doors when we heard:
"Oh my God, it's Annie and Hellie!" from behind us. We turned around and saw a tall, not-attractive-not-unattractive girl fast-walking towards us. She had brown hair with ginger and blonde streaks in it, and it was wavy, down to her shoulders. She was wearing a bit too much makeup, and had a large nose, but other than that, she wasn't too bad looking. 
"Hello." Hellie greeted her warmly. I just smiled. 
"You are the luckiest girls in the world!" she cried. We smiled at her again. 
"Aw, that's so sweet. Thank you." I said almost mechanically. We kind of had our own little scripts for times like this. 
"Can I get a picture? My friends will not believe I met you, otherwise." she asked. We shrugged and posed for a picture with her. 
"My name's Katie, by the way." she stuttered. 
"Nice to meet you, Katie." I said. She beamed at me. 
"Congrats on your baby, by the way." she said, sort of awkwardly. 
"Thank you." I said again. 
"You don't look pregnant." she commented. I gave an internal sigh of relief. 
"I haven't started showing yet, I don't even know the sex yet." I explained. I actually found her quite easy to talk to. 
"Oh. Well, my Mum's in the car, so I should go, but thanks for the picture. Tell the guys I said hey." she said. We agreed and gave her a hug before walking into the mall. We both exhaled loudly, and smiled at each other. We made our way over to our favourite dress shop. It was a bit expensive, but it wasn't like we didn't have the money. We walked in, and the perky saleswoman came over and made a fuss of us. 
"Mrs Radke and Mrs Vincent, right?" she asked. We looked at each other, nodded and said "right." at the same time. She smiled in relief. 
"Your husbands just told me that you'd be coming. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask" she said. Could she GET any further up our asses? Hellie and I just nodded politely and searched through the store. I decided to see what kind of dress Hellie got, before I picked up my own. Turns out, she got a long, black dress. It was completely sleeveless, and touched the floor, and it glittered when she moved. Simple, yet elegant, as the saleswoman told us. She bought some black satin high heels with it, and black silk gloves. She then picked out a small pearl choker and matching pearl earrings and bracelet, and a pearl hairpiece that would help her put her hair into an 'Audrey Hepburn' type updo. From that, I guessed where we were going was pretty classy, so with the help of Hellie, I picked out a white dress that looked like something a princess would wear in a fairytale book. it 'puffed out' and fell down to the floor. It was absolutely perfect. With it, I bought white diamante shoes, diamond earrings, and a silver necklace with a diamond heart in the middle. I was about to pay for them, when Hellie found a small diamond tiara, so I bought that too. We stopped at McDonalds for lunch, and then went home. The Smiths were playing on the radio, and I was singing along under my breath. 
"Who are these guys?" Hellie asked. I smiled at her. 
"The Smiths. They're great." 
"They sound miserable."
"Well, the song's called Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now..." 
"Okay, fine." she snapped, but I knew she was joking. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and answered it. 
"Hey, Annie." said Ronnie. 
"Oh, hey Ronnie. We're just on our way home."
"That's cool. Derek's gonna meet you and take you guys down here once you're ready." 
"Where are you?"
"It's a surprise."
"Urh, I hate surprises."
"I hate that you hate surprises."
"I hate you."
"I love you too. Talk to you later." he said, and hung up. I smiled and slid my phone into my pocket. 
"Ronnie said for us to meet Derek at the house and get ready, and then he'll drive us down to wherever it is we're going." I explained. She nodded, and carried on driving. I was excited for tonight, even though I didn't have any idea what we were doing. 

By the time I was in my dress and Hellie had done my hair and makeup for me, I looked completely different. She curled the ends of my hair and slid the tiara in, and with my dress and jewellery on, I looked like a princess anyway, or so Hellie said. I had a light pink eyeshadow on my eyes, a little bit of eyeliner, foundation and pink glittery lipgloss on. Hellie looked completely beautiful in her dress and gloves, with her red hair in a pretty updo. She was wearing dark eyeshadow and thick eyeliner and mascara, and red lipstick. I personally thought she looked a billion times better than me, but her and Derek disagreed. I sighed and let them herd me into Derek's car as he drove us God knows where. He was dressed in a suit himself, with his hair slicked back. 
"You look very handosme, Der." I said, leaning forward on the car seat. He smiled at me in the rear-view mirror. 
"Thank you, Annie. You look stunning." he commented. I blushed and sat back, looking out the window. Hellie was bouncing in the seat next to me. 
"Oh, it's going to be so fun!" she squealed. 
"What's going to be so fun?" I asked, with a wink. She pouted. 
"Annie. Stop. We'll be there soon." she scolded me. I chuckled and looked up at the roof of the car. Not too long now. I truly hated surprises. I put my hand delicately on my stomach. Well, maybe not ALL surprises. 

We arrived at a big building with a dome ceiling. It had blue spotlights on the outside, and looked very ostentatious. I saw a lot of rich looking people standing outside, and I immediately felt overdressed. They were all dressed like Hellie. 
"Don't worry. You'll just look the most beautiful." she assured me softly. I smiled weakly and stepped out. We walked arm in arm over to the building, and Derek slipped the doorman our tickets. 
"Have a wonderful evening" the old, greying man said in a thick, Scottish accent. We smiled graciously and walked into the hall. I looked around, but I couldn't find Ronnie anywhere. There was soft, classical music playing as I scanned through the crouds of beautifully dressed men and women to find my Ronnie. Suddenly, I felt someone tap me lightly on the shoulder. 
"Can I have a dance?" Ronnie whispered softly into my ear, and I spun around. He looked beautiful. He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt and a silver tie, and no makeup. He sighed when he saw me. 
" look breathtaking." he breathed. I blushed. 
"Thank you, Ronnie. You look wonderful, too." I said. He held me to him and spun me around the dance floor. 
"This is much more romantic than on an empty stage." I whispered to him. He laughed loudly, attracting the attention of a lot of the people around us, but we didn't care. I rested my head lightly on his chest and let him whirl me around the room. I caught sight of Hellie and Jacky and waved. I searched the room for Ryan, Ron and Derek and saw them each with their own girls, dancing. The girl Ryan was dancing with had short, blonde legs and was wearing a beautiful red gown. I felt a pang of jealousy, but I let it go. I wanted him to be happy. I was quite happy to spend the whole night in Ronnie's arms, having him spin me and twirl me around the dancefloor, and watch all of the other people shoot jealous glances at us. So that's exactly what I did. 

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