A prime example of why ladies don't drink.

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It was 10pm. The two support bands had already been on, and the croud had seemed to like them a lot, but I had never even heard of them. Their music was good enough, but I didn't think it was particuarily anything special. The second band had been offstage for about half an hour, and I could see the set guys setting up the stage. It was getting really hot, and I wasn't even in the croud. I could only imagine how the audience was feeling - they were packed in like sardines. One of the security guards came over to me and smiled. He was young, probably in his late teens, and he looked absolutely stoked to be here. He had brown hair and green eyes, and his lips were full. I smiled back at him. 

"I'm Adam." he introduced, holding out a hand for me to shake. I smiled and took his hand. 

"Annette." I introduced myself. His grin grew wider.

"Beautiful name. So, you're Ronnie's girl?" he guessed. I smiled and shook my head. 

"No, we're just friends." I corrected him. He looked confused. 

"Oh, right." he said, biting his lip. I cocked an eyebrow. 

"What is it?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"I don't know. When Ronnie told us to take care of you he said - and I quote - "I'm sending my girl to stand with you guys. Make sure she doesn't get hurt and treat her like a princess."" he said with a small smile. I gaped at him. 

"Oh right." i mumbled, biting my lip. This was problematic. Adam held his hands up in a sort of surrender. 

"Hey, I may have misheard him. He wasn't talking to me, he was talking to my boss. I'm just a rookie." he said with a lopsided smile. I grinned at him. He was cute, and talking to him calmed my nerves. 

"So, have you met the band then?" I asked casually. He grinned widely at me. 

"Yeah, wow. They're so great. I'm actually a fan of theirs, so it was brilliant." he said enthusiastically. 

"Oh, right. I haven't met them yet. I'm going to after this." I told him. He looked at me, wide-eyed.

"Woah. I thought since you and Ronnie are such good friends, you must have met his band?" 

"Well, we're not so much good friends as old friends. We went to high school together." I explained. He nodded. 

"Oh, right. Well I think you'll love the guys." he said with a cute smile. I smiled back.

"So, wanna get a drink?" he asked cooly. 

"Yeah, sure." I smiled. He touched me lightly on the shoulder. 

"And don't worry, I'm not making a pass at you. I'd rather have Arthur than Martha, if you get me?" he winked. I giggled. He was adorable AND gay? Awwwww. He took my hand and pulled me through the audience. Some people got really excited and starstruck when I went past them, because I was with Ronnie earlier. Someone even asked me for my autograph! I declined politely and continued to follow Adam through the croud. We finally reached the bar and leaned breathlessly against it. The bartender's slightly impatient expression softened when he saw me and Adam. 

"Hey Adam. Who's this?" he asked, giving me a 'checking you out' look. Adam shook his head. 

"Jon, this is Annette. Annette, Jon." he said, making quick introductions. Jon leaned forward on the bar and smiled at me suggestively. 

"Any friend of Adam's is a friend of mine." he purred. I smiled uncomfortably. 

"She's also a friend of Ronnie Radke's." Adam said protectively. "GIRLfriend." he finished, adding emphasis on the 'girl' part. Jon leaned back and tried to look casual. 

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