03. Friend

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THE SKY WAS AS BLUE AS THE OCEAN, the sun reaching its highest point with dark clouds nowhere to be seen. It was a warm day at last. People were walking down the streets, some of them coming back from the church and some finishing another grocery shopping that was sitting way too long on their to do list. A calm Sunday afternoon, with all of the park benches being empty except for one.

June was sitting on one of them, having her eyes closed as her skin absorbed as much sunlight as she could.

When she wasn't practicing in the old dance studio, she would sometimes go for long walks, just to get away from reality and have her head cleared up. It was either that or she would stay up late at night, drawing whatever it was on her mind that evening. But today was different.

She did however took a long walk this afternoon, but with her sketchbook tightly squeezed under her grip. Once, she sat down in the park, she was hoping to be attacked with inspiration which is what people say happens when you're outside, holding hands with nature. Sadly, this wasn't the case, because June was different from others. She wouldn't get inspired by the warm rays of sun, or loud laughs coming from children who are running around the park.

It was like she was the exact opposite, draining the inspiration from things like tears and heartbreaks, heavy rains and midnight thoughts. And now that she has finally decided to search for imagination somewhere else, she hoped for it to be somehow relaxing and fun which today wasn't meeting with her high set expectations.

''You're staring.'' She said, having her eyes closed tightly and her sketchbook placed against her lap. Once she opened her eyes, she threw her view beside her, looking directly at the boy sitting right next to her. He had dark brown hair, slightly hooded eyes, accompanied with a soft, yet strong jawline, full lips with the corners slightly turned down and a little mole on the tip of his nose.

''I'm sorry.'' He said, a soft smile appearing on his face. Taehyung was never the one to judge June's actions, he understood what it took sometimes for her to get inspiration, or at least he tried to understand, so he would always let her have some space even if it meant for the two of them to hang out without a single word spoken.

But Taehyung also knew when something didn't feel right and when that time alone for June, slowly started to form into avoiding the world. ''Let's go somewhere.'' Taehyung jumped to his feet, his lips forming a somewhat boxy smile as he stood in front of her, looking straight into her eyes.

''Personal space, Taehyung.'' June scolded, now knowing that her time with nature has come to an end which she, in all honesty, didn't mind.

''You're different these days.'' Taehyung crossed his arms, pursing his lips together and turning away from June as if to look at the bright blue sky but he only did that to avoid her eyes looking back at him.

June quickly stood up. ''What do you mean different?''

He turned around, now looking straight at her, squinting his eyes as if trying to read her mind. ''I don't know. Something's...different. You're calm and less anxious. It's weird.''

''You're weird.'' June waved off with a quiet laugh, slowly walking through the park and having Taehyung quickly following her steps behind.

Putting the hands in the pocket of his jacket, he walked beside her, throwing a glance at her every now and then, as if to look for clues of her lately different behavior.

''I know that you've been doing good in college but that's not it. Oh, and you've been spending way too much time in that old dance studio and honestly, I can't remember when was the last time I saw you dance, so there has to be something.''

''It's nothing.'' She tried to remain serious, but couldn't stop grinning.

''Tell me or I'll keep guessing.''

''Go ahead.''

It didn't take long for Taheyung to think when he suddenly stopped walking, grinning at June as if he won the lottery. ''Is it a guy?''

June stopped walking as well, the corner of her lips tugging up into a soft smile without saying a single word.

"Holy crap, it is." Taehyung confirmed to himself, sounding rather upset than happy. "It's him, isn't it. That Jimin guy?" He paused for a second, putting all the imaginary puzzle pieces together, while shaking his head. The reason June was spending so much time at the dance studio was no other than Jimin. As much as Taehyung tried to understand everything June did and said, her fasciantion with that boy was the only thing Taehyung will never be able understand.

. . .

a/n: i know this might be boring but i promise you things will get more interesting as the story unwraps itself. i really hope you'll keep liking this. thank you so much for taking your precious time to read this.

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