20. Drunk

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WHEN THE EMPTY CANS OF BEER started to outnumber the ones untouched, their talks became endless, with each of them having a memorable story to tell; from sneaking out of their bedrooms to smashing the neighbours windows in the late evening hours.

The students seemed to be having the time of their lives, with bright young smiles stretched across their faces. Not even a single bad word has been shared, aside from bad choices and good memories they have made.

All of them were seated at the small table, loud laughing coming from Hoseok which later on resulted in Namjoon nudging him with the hope to silence the already drunk boy.

June and Boyoung have been talking repeatedly, two girls sharing bits of their lives as if they were close friends.

However, Jimin sat in silence, carefully scrutinizing the little movie happening in front of him. The beer can he held in his hand was half full, or half empty; he couldn't tell.

There was something on his troubled mind that wouldn't leave him alone; like a weird itch that could not be scratched.

He would force a smile here and there, pretending that he was actually listening to the stories they all shared when in reality, the only thing he listened to was the monotone tapping of his own fingers against the wooden table.

That weird feeling was unknown to him. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? Just last week, he had visited Yoongi, an old friend for a birthday celebration at which he doesn't remember having this weird feeling cackling within his bones, almost mocking him. A downer, was never a word that could've been paired with Jimin's character. The boy was far from it.

So why now? Why at this welcome party?

As the time went on, his eyes soon followed the slumber movements of the girl who's never been drunk before, not until now however, as her attempt to pour another intoxicating drink miserably failed, the liquid now covering the surface of the whole table.

But June doesn't move, she doesn't even flinch nor try to clean it up. Instead she stared, her gaze fixed on the front.

"Whoops." She mumbled to herself as Namjoon stood up, laughing and grabbing the tissues another group of friends have had.

"That's fine", Boyoung's voice erupted, the girl clearly keeping the alcohol within the limits. She was a good drinker, knew when to stop and take it easy, unlike June.

"Ah, I spilled my drink. What am I supposed to drink now?" June whined.

With no bad intentions, Bo extended her arm towards the girl, handing her the leftover drink. "Here, have some of mine."

Before June could wrap her fingers around the can, it was soon in hands of Jimin, who was now standing, his lips forming a straight line.

"Alright, the party's over." He said, grabbing the wrist of the drunk girl who's stumbled to her own feet.

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