08. Wounds

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AFTER WAITING TO MEET with the midnight hour, June was finally able to dance with nobody but herself that evening. The studio was empty, but soon filled with her persistent hatred towards the reflection a large mirror was showing her. It seemed as if that specific night, she had two left feet that were preventing her from dancing properly, from even making a single move she would use to make so easily.

Why was it getting so difficult?

Feet to the right and arm up in the air, she tried to move her soul but something within her tirelessly ached. Was it because of the dark hair the other girl had and she did not? Or was it the cherry coloured lips and flushed cheeks the girl had owned and June had not? What was it? What was the reason for the sudden uneasiness within her body?

Was it jealousy?


It couldn't be.

Could it?

But that's pathetic. Why would she be jealous? She had no right to be jealous because Jimin wasn't even hers in the first place. Why was she thinking about Jimin right now for gods sake? Why was everything falling apart so fast in the back of her mind when there was absolutely no reason for it?


She should've listened to Taehyung, because he knew better. He was telling her that Jimin was going to bring nothing but hurt and bad feelings, and he was so right.

Taehyung was always right.

After all, Taehyung knew June more than anyone around her. Hell, maybe even more than her own parents.

She should've listened to him.

If only she listened, none of this would have happened.

The studio was indeed empty, but the voices in June's head were screaming so loudly she wasn't able to hear her own breathing. With one shaky move, she almost managed to achieve the desired technique but that night was the night the whole universe turned against her. And so she failed yet again, breathing heavily and looking at the person in the mirror staring back at her.

Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, She would repeat, heart heavy and eyes filled with tears.

All she wanted was for things to finally go the right way, but she was slowly losing the grip of her own self and the so called life she was forgetting how to cherish again.

When the burden got too heavy, and the tears were blurring her vision, the glass doors creaked loudly, scaring away the voices inside June's head.

She turned to her right, eyes meeting once again with a familiar face.

''Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought nobody comes here after midnight.'' The other girl spoke, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind ear. It was that same girl. The one that held hands with Jimin yesterday.

''The studio is all yours. I'm done here anyway.'' June spoke with a big lump in her throat. She wanted to sound as nice as she possibly could, but the harsh tone in her voice was doing just the opposite.

''I'm Boyoung.'' The dark haired girl reached out a hand. ''Call me Bo.''

June's thoughts were telling her not to shake the girl's hand, so she simply replied with a nod. ''June.'' Her flat voice spoke, and with that, she took her belongings and stormed out of the building with the biggest heartache attacking her own being.

She only wished for her eyes to be met with somebody else that night.

. . .

a/n: ah you guys are all so precious to me. thank you for all the support! share this story, i want more peope to come and join me in this journey of learing how to love yourself! the gif i made is what i imagine june would look like with taehyung. i hope you like it, and i hope you're doing okay.

love you, always.

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