42. Snow

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Right, left, right left. That's how June's feet panted their way down the bridge, passing by a train station and its rails so quickly she had almost tripped over a couple times and regretted the day she learned how to use her feet.

Seoul looked so different at this time of the night, with nobody alive being in her sight. Even the birds had ceased to fly. Except for the wind, a few lonely cars and her own heartbeat keeping her company.

It was so dark outside that she could barely make out the shadows from the silhouettes. Suddenly it was as if she was more present in the world she was living in - her senses intensified and she could smell the scent of winter in the air, feel how the running drained all her energy and made her feel feeble, losing tepid body temperature.

June could feel her palms and feet getting colder, her body unconsciously craving for heat so she increased her speed. Thinking that the faster she ran, the slower her muscles will lose warmth.

There's snow on the ground and branches of the trees. How did she not notice that before, was she not living? Was she just breathing?

But somehow everything was clear now. She wanted to see Jimin.

She needed to thank him for the night he saved her life before the train could swipe her existence away. She needed to let him know how much she appreciated the offer of a cheap ramen even if it was 3 in the am that same night. She wanted to tell him how cute it was that he adopted a cat and despite it being a male, he still gave it a feminine name.

She wanted to look in those same doe-like eyes and make them believe that he doesn't need to pretend - the cigarettes, the smoking, and the tough boy act. It's okay to be yourself.

Maybe if she apologized again for taking that photograph, that polaroid without permission, maybe if she told him that Jungkook's accident wasn't his fault a few times more, perhaps if she mentioned Taehyung a little earlier, things would've been different. And he'd open up his heart to her, instead to the alcohol and the plastic bottles of prescribed medication he'd been taking for who knows how long.

She needed to tell him, all of it.

Jimin needed to know.

The wind blew and June's teeth chattered, a couple of snowflakes entangled with her damped hair. The sight in front got blurry because of the cold air, though she could recognize the street and the way to the old dance studio. Maybe he was still there.

June didn't think much and didn't look back. Afraid that it would make more sense for him to be home than dancing at the old studio.

Maybe he was still there.

So she kept running, the distance slowly becoming smaller, her feet growing more tired. But June didn't care. As long as it was buying her more hope - more hope that she will see him again.

And when the familiar door came into her view, she opened with both arms and ran inside as fast as she could. But there was no one there.

The dance studio was empty.

. . .

A/N : the comments & messages on the previous chapter make me the happiest person ever. you guys are just incredible; i did not expect that much love and positivity. thank you for that. always remember that you're good enough and loved.

happy birthday to my hero jimin & to everyone else sharing the same birth date. hope you've had an amazing day.   here's some of my drawings to celebrate his birthday.

 ♡  here's some of my drawings to celebrate his birthday

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