15. Daylight

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THE SUN HAD STARTED TO CLOSE ITS EYES, casting the remaining bright rays of light against June's slightly tired face. It was late in the afternoon and she was standing at the train station, scrunching her nose while dreading to hear the familiar sound of the wheels cackling against the rails.

June hadn't shown much love for trains, not because she was once almost killed by one, but because of the amount of people taking it on a daily basis. She had always liked being in her own safe bubble, having at least an inch of personal space surrounding her petite body, but when it comes to taking the train, you're most likely to be squeezed like a damn sardine with the word personal space vanishing from the dictionary.

The reason she was waiting for a train in the first place was because of Taehyung. The guilt she had felt for leaving him in the closet while talking to Jimin was larger than the whole universe.

He however, didn't mind. He told her how he almost fell asleep during their boring conversation to which June slightly hit his head, causing Taehyung to let out a few giggles.

In order to make up for it, Taehyung had requested to meet up at the town's bridge when the clock strikes 6 pm.

But to get there, June had to take the scary train ride.

Soon enough, her ears have been filled with the sound of the upcoming death on the wheels. Once the train arrived she had quickly walked inside, paid for the ticket as her eyes caught an empty seat right at the back of it.

Without a thought, she had walked towards the empty place and sat down on it, placing both of her hands onto her lap.

To her surprise, the train wasn't swarming with people that day so she had felt quite comfortable being there.

Ever since entering university, June had been on her own. She didn't have many friends and was usually alone. The silence that had been sticking by her side like an old friend, was enjoyable at times, but at other times that same silence would get louder than the thousand voices heard on a late night busy street.

She sighed audibly, looking at the now moving scenery of everyday life through the streaky windows. Her view would travel to her left here and there, new faces catching her attention; an old woman was sitting in front of her, holding a basket full of baked goods and fruits as she shared a warm smile.

Though on the opposite side, a slight wave of pop music could've been heard coming from the headphones belonging to a girl, who's head softly rested against the window. Tired and exhausted, she was probably a student, who's dream had been disturbed by the sound of an alarm clock this morning before school.

Once turning her head a bit more, June was met with another unfamiliar face, but this time, the person's gaze was piercing right through her.

Quickly, she looked away, stunned as her cheeks were becoming flushed with a hint of red. Why does she always have to embarrass herself?

But the person only let out a soft chuckle, causing June to turn her head once again, now her eyes seeing the face of a boy staring back at her. He was wearing an olive green baseball cap, a an outworn green t-shirt and a pair of dark hooded eyes

The corners of the boy's plump lips soon turned up, revealing adorable dimples.

"I've never seen you before." He remarked, his voice sounding smooth, almost calming.

"That's because I don't like taking the train."

The boy smiled once again, showing his pearl white teeth as he tilted his head. Once reaching out a hand forward, his lips formed more welcoming words. "I'm Namjoon."

To which June, unlike that time she first met Boyoung, reached out a hand back, squeezing Namjoon's ever so softly. "June."

"May I?" The boy asked, asking for permission to take a seat right next to her.

She nodded and he sat beside her, his hands resting on his lap.

He couldn't have been much older than June, he seemed to be around her age, maybe a year or two older.

"So", the boy started, swallowing audibly and causing his Adam's apple to bounce. "What year are you in? You are a student, right?"

"Freshman." She answered. "My friend and I moved here a few months ago for university, but it doesn't feel like home, not yet however. I'm still trying to adjust to things."

"Ah." Was all he said as if he completely understood June's sporadic feelings. "I would love to show you around town, it isn't much but it's got its charms."

June smiled widely.

She felt comfortable sitting right next to a person she just met.


"In fact, I have a better idea. We're having a group meeting tomorrow, a couple of friends from campus are going to be there. You should come too!"

But June wasn't sure about that. If there was anything else she dreaded except trains, it was groups of people, unknown people, talking, moving their lips and asking her questions. Even the thought of it caused her anxiety to spike up. But before she could reject the offer, Namjoon predicted her.

"Don't worry. We're not weird or anything. Except for Hoseok, he's just really loud but he means no harm, trust me."

She thought for a bit, her mind playing tricks on her and telling her everything that could potentially go wrong. She could say something stupid, to which everyone will probably think that she's weird. But Namjoon quickly snapped her out of it, as he stood up before the train stopped moving.

"Well, this is my stop." He smiled at her, his dimples appearing once again while he was fixing his cap. "Come to the some university department of something welcome camp after 7 pm. You should bring your friend too."

Would Taehyung even want to come? What if he doesn't like it? Him and June never hung out among other people. Maybe it's time for things to change, but before she could utter a word to Najmoon, he already walked out of the train.

So she remained sitting there, once again on her own as her eyes remained locked at the surroundings, carefully following the movements of the people around her; everyone being in their own little world.

Soon enough, before the train started moving forward again, a boy stormed inside. Completely out of breath, he placed a hand against his thigh as if to fill up his lungs with fresh air again.

Though his other hand was holding a bouquet of flowers, its bright colors immediately catching June's attention, but when the boy lifted his head up, the dark brown hair moving away from his eyes, just to look right back at her; it was indeed nobody else but the boy named Park Jimin.

. . .

let's get to know each other a bit more, shall we? tell me something you love about yourself!

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