47. Boy Meets Evil

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소년은 악을 만나다

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소년은 악을 만나다.


With the newfound friends, The Knight and The Duke, the Prince would go out hunting in the night filled with rebuke. Out of palace, away from his thoughts, it had been like this for the past few months.

But the killing of a sacred deer does no good to the Boy, as it only leaves him wondering what is there to enjoy?

To create, is what he wanted, instead of making a life feel taunted. He wanted to write poems too, but the ink would somehow run out soon. He then replaced the friends for a bottle of champagne, who would've thought it'd all create his new bound pain.

The time passes by and his friends would grow small of importance, and he'd dance around with greed, creating a new romance. So he sits down, counting his desires, then opens his mouth to say what he requires.

"Oh dear Moon, can you hear me?"

"I sure can Boy, what is it now, tell me?"

"I'm afraid that I'm still unhappy, still wishing for something more."

"Weren't the friends I gave you enough to ease the burden of your bore?"

The Prince scrunches his nose, a new feeling within him arose. "The boredom is not the main culprit in this all, my unhappiness is causing me to fall."

And when nothing else could be heard, the Boy chirped again like a small bird. "Please, oh please, will you help me again?"

And The Moon quietly says, "Very well then."


The Moon provides him with beauty and wealth, nothing less, nothing more, though the consequences threaten to come, eating away the inside of his core.

But the boy doesn't mind, he is blinded by it all, the moldy greediness starts to climb up and down the proud royal walls.

Proclaimed by his kingdom to be the most beautiful Prince the nation has ever seen, he was soon judged by his beauty and not for what he has always been.

He'd become different, the Prince. More agitated, angry, ungrateful. No matter how many of his belongings were covered in gold, he'd lose his friends because that was all they'd want, all they saw.

Now completely lost and all alone, the boy didn't know what to do and how to live on his own. So he goes up the stairs, tiptoeing on the balcony, he looks at the sky above, the Moon shining all along.

''You seem to be troubled again?'' Asks the Moon.

The Prince needn't say anything when the look on his pale face gives him away. ''I'm losing everything faster than I can reach with my own two hands.''

He brings the fingers up to his hair, pushing the frustration through the strands damped in regret. ''I thought they were my friends, the Duke and the Knight, but all they wanted was my wealth and throne, they even said it one night. Even the beauty that you gave, slowly ended up turning me into a slave.''

He looks up at the sky, with heavy tears and weary eyes. ''Please give me something more. Something that will stay with me, keep me company, and I won't be asking for anything anymore.''

''This is your last wish to be granted. Are you sure you know what you're wishing for?''

The prince nods and the Moon shines bright, knowing that love might be something to bring him the light.

And when the last wish came true in dither, the flowers inside the pots start to wither. Colors of the hanging portraits began to come off, just like the maid's brittle nails and as fast as the failing of Queen's entrails.

New mold decorating the tall royal walls had been growing and growing. Without them knowing, the Kingdom is falling, and slowly, cunningly, Evil began the sowing.

Before the audience could clap again, Jimin ran off the stage.

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