06. Stigma

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IT WASN'T TOO LONG until both Jimin and June were walking up the stairs to his apartment. The old wooden staircase would squeak each time their feet met with it, the smell of mildew climbing up the walls. It wasn't fancy, in fact, the building was as old as the hills surrounding this town, which has taken June by surprise. She thought this boy would be living in a mansion, owning a car and having so much more, but he kept proving her wrong. Because Jimin was quite the opposite, he didn't need a lot to be pleased.

So when the two of them walked inside, June kept scrutinizing the tiny place Jimin was living in. There was a little stove next to a fridge, and right in the middle of the kitchen was an old wooden table, a few open books left on it and a packet of cigarettes sleeping beside an ashtray.

''You're a smoker?'' She asked, standing in the middle of the room and contemplating on whether to sit down or not.

''Only when I need to be.'' He replied.

June grimaced to herself, thinking of a meaning behind Jimin's words. Why was he so mysterious and yet she felt like she knew every part of his being.

Such a weird feeling.

''Sit.'' He indicated, slowly walking to the kitchen and turning the stove on as if to make coffee, which was peculiar since it was almost three in the am. However, there was something about a warm cup of a drink that your hands are holding so close in hope to warm the coldness within your body. It was calming, therapeutic even. And it seemed that Jimin knew just exactly how much June needed that.

''Have you eaten yet?'' He asked as she sat down at the table, still not being able to look him directly in the eyes. ''I have some ramen, if you'd like.''

''No, It's fine.'' She refused, waving it off and placing both of her hands onto her lap. ''I'm fine.'' A soft smile crept upon her face in order to deceive Jimin. But why did she feel the need to deceive those around her? It was clear to her that she was far away from being fine, so why was it so easy to say the words of lies?

''It's okay if you're not.'' He simply spoke, handing her the cup filled with warm coffee.

Though she only stared at him, true confusion painted all over her face.

''What?'' He asked the girl, chuckling under his breath. ''Aish, do you want it or no?''

But June nodded her head quickly, both of her hands reaching out for the coffee cup. ''Thank you.'' She muttered, her eyes travelling now to the warm oasis of serenity within her hands.

No matter how hard she tried not to look at him, she would lift her head up a bit, eyes moving in search for a pair of slightly hooded brown eyes.

Jimin soon sat beside her at the table, placing a cup of ramen in front of himself. ''You sure you don't want some? It can help if you're feeling down.''

But June shook her head at his words which he then took as a no and started to eat his food. It was too late in the evening for her to eat, besides, she didn't feel hungry. Now the only sounds that filled the room were Jimin's loud slurping and the rain that was still so heavily falling outside the building.

After he slurped another bite of noodles, Jimin threw a view under his table, eyes widening in happiness. ''Ah Yejin, I wasn't talking to you.'' Said the boy with his mouth being full, referring to the ball of fur that was now curling up against his legs.

''That's your cat?'' She asked as Jimin nodded.

''Found him on the street a few months ago. The poor guy was homeless.'' He said, stroking the pet. ''At first I thought about naming him Luna, but then Yejin seemed much more appropriate.''

June narrowed her eyebrows, not understanding the boy's story.

Once he stopped chewing his food, Jimin let out a slight chuckle. ''Then I found out it was a he and not a she.''

''Then why not give it a male name?'' The girl questioned, her eyes following the little pet that was now tip toeing between her legs.

''I don't know.'' Jimin shrugged. ''It's different. And I like different.''

With that being said, June didn't feel troubled anymore. She somewhat felt safe. Safe sitting beside a boy who she just met a few moments ago. How embarrassing must it be when your first meeting with somebody ends up being almost your own funeral. But it seemed that Jimin didn't mind that at all.

In fact, he was acting as if things were alright, as if nothing bad had happened and everything was completely normal. He was not yelling, not calling her insane, not judging. There was no stigma present within these walls, which June appreciated so much.

. . .

a/n: if you're reading this, thank you for even taking your precious time to do so. i hope you like this little story and thank you so much for 3k views, i'm honestly so overwhelmed, you guys are my angels. also: kor. Ye-Jin –  meaning precious, rare, valuable.

i love you, and hope you're taking care of yourself.

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