13. Him

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WITH HER FACE melted into the pillow, June was lying on the bed, the sheets permanently molded into the shape of her body. Another day passed and she had stayed home, unable to move for the last fifteen minutes or so. The will to do almost anything, completely left her body while the only thing she managed to do was to sigh audibly here and there, stand up once or twice just to get herself some water, but other than that, it was as if depression handcuffed her within these four walls.

She would toss and turn, covering her face with the bright pillow, only to breathe into it deeply, causing an exaggerated roll of eyes from Taehyung.

He was sitting in her room, long and slender legs stretched forward with the back leaning against the wooden bed frame. It was early in the evening, the small lamp on the nightstand next to him casting a few rays of light on him. ''Can you stop breathing so loudly? I'm trying to read here, and I can't do that when it sounds like Darth Vader is breathing next to me.'' He asked, fingertips brushing against the old book in his hands.

But June only turned to the other side, closer to him as she let out another, this time louder sigh escape her lips.

The boy shook his head in annoyance, knowing that she won't stop until he gives her full attention. ''Seriously?'' He raised both of his eyebrows. ''You're like a puppy, needing attention all the time.''

''But puppies are cute?'' Her lips formed a pout as she quickly sat up, removing the pillow from her now smiling face.

''Not necessarily.'' He mocked, closing the book and leaving it beside his lap. ''If they look like you, then no.''

These days, Taehyung kept staying at June's place a lot more often than before. He did live just a few blocks away from June, though the two of them would hang out a lot even in their childhood, and it was always at her place. Unknowingly, Taehyung would always end up in her bedroom, sitting on the floor, as the two of them talked until the morning hours.

Not that he didn't like it, quite the opposite actually. He enjoyed spending time with her, since neither one of them had many friends, they couldn't be counted with the fingers on their hands however.

''Now I'm heartbroken.'' She said, crossing her arms, now acting like a real puppy. ''Again.''

The boy's hand reached his temples, pressing against them in order to stop the upcoming headache. ''God, please not again. How many times do I have to listen to the story about Jimin and the Pa-Bo, his girlfriend?''

''You're my friend!'' She claimed, eyes looking straight at him. ''Besides, I got no one else to vent to, so please do me a favor and hear me out. You can even pretend that you're listening, I won't mind.'' Shrugging her shoulders, she stood up, walking towards her desk as she sat down, pulling out a pencil and a blank piece of paper.

The boy scrunched his nose, the action causing the small mole on tip of it to dance. ''You're unbelievable, you know that?''

But June didn't hear his rhetorical question, her mind was centered at the piece of paper lying in front of her. Taehyung tilted his head, curious to know what she has been up to. So he stood up, both of his hands now resting in the pockets of his skinny jeans, as a white oversized shirt covered his figure. ''What are you doing?''


''I see that, idiot.'' He smiled brightly. ''What are you drawing?''

The girl stopped abruptly, staring at the few connected lines her hands left against the paper. The corners of her lips tugged up in a soft smile. ''Him.''

But Taehyung only shook his head, not believing what he's witnessing. ''And this is exactly why we both don't have friends June.''


''Because you're creepy.''

Before June could think of a witty comeback, the sound of a loud knocking against the doors startled her. Wondering who could it be at this hour, and why, she stood up from the chair and slowly walked towards the front door of her apartment.

Knock, knock.

Weird. Why would someone visit her? Especially this late? She didn't have many friends that knew where she lived.

Scratch that.

She had no friends in the first place. Maybe it was her mother, paying her a simple visit? But why would she come unannounced? She would always call first, check if it was alright to come.

This was indeed someone else.

Someone June had not invited.

Still in her pajamas, June dragged her feat to the front door slowly, now holding onto every atom of courage she had rushing through her body. What if it's a burglar or worse, a serial killer? Damnit, why didn't her doors have a peephole. But it was not surprising since this apartment was old, rusty and had nothing working properly in it. The windows were squeaky, the lights were flickering, then there was that weird smell in the pantry, but hey, at least the rent is cheap.

Speaking of rent, did she pay for it this month?

Get yourself together, June. This is not the time to think about paying your rent. There's a serial killer in front of your apartment.

Inhaling deeply, she swallowed the big lump appearing in her throat. With her heart racing at an immense speed, she placed her shaky hand against the doorknob. Once twisting it slightly, the door opened, revealing a boy standing in front of her. The face she immediately recognized as he smiled, his eyes forming into little crescents.

''Can I come in?''

It was Jimin.

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