05. Death

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''Are you insane?'' Jimin growled, taking a step back and letting June out of his strong grip. ''Do you have a death wish?''

It took a few seconds for June to finally open the eyes she had kept so tightly shut. She stared at him for a moment, pure bewilderment vividly creeping its way onto her pale features. What did just happen? How in the world is she still standing on her feet? She could've sworn she saw bright lights coming right behind her.

Is she dead?

''I-I...'' June stuttered, her ears that were once filled with melody are now suddenly filled with eary silence.

''Do you realize you could've just died a few seconds ago?'' He asked, but it was as if June didn't understand the language he was speaking. Still taken back by the deep vanilla smell from his collars, June looked at him, trying her hardest not to burst in tears.

Not knowing how she felt at that moment, Jimin's sentence kept repeating itself in the back of June's head like a broken record.

I could've died, was going on an on for what seemed like forever but she didn't know if that was what she wished for. The thing is, if that train came a minute sooner and Jimin a minute later, she would've been thrown into the oblivion, but something inside of her didn't mind the thought, and that was scaring her the most.

Without even noticing, she had already started crying, not being able to stop herself as Jimin wrapped his hand around her, bringing her closer and holding her tight without saying a single word. He didn't have to speak, because June needn't to hear him saying how her actions were crazy, how she almost got herself killed over a minute of clumsiness. Or so he thought.

But now, finally seeing that there was something different about her, something more than just a girl who is watching him dance every single night, he got more curious, needing to know what is hiding within the fragile frame of hers.

''C'mon'', he said, opening the umbrella above her, completely ignoring the fact that they were both already soaking wet. ''Let's get you somewhere warm.''   

. . .

a/n: oo double update because i feel nice. your support is incredible and i always want to give back the love i'm getting. thank you. hope you're enjoying this little story.

love you, always.

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