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I pulled my hand away quickly...
'I am so sorry I didn't mean-' before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.
'No, don't be silly let me help you.' He had a strong Essex accent, was he new? I hadn't seen him around before. As he got up he held out his hand gesturing me to take it, with a few little nerves I took it and he helped me up. Gosh this boy was a gentleman. I started daydreaming but cut myself off when I heard everyone sniggering. I had stood staring at nothing, deep in thought about this boy I didn't even know the name of. 
Class finished and I waited until the end to leave the classroom so I could hand in my assignment as I had completed it early and I could get my grade sooner. My teacher smiled as I handed her my work and she nodded meaning I could leave her desk. I had a free period next so I headed for the courtyard.
Gina was sat outside with her little gang and about 20 boys swooning over her, I don't see what people see in her. I sighed as I tried to get comfy on a picnic bench far away from Gina. I scrambled in my bag for my headphones and Science notes.
'Hello, May I sit with you' spoke a familiar voice.
'Yeah, Yeah of course' I didn't even bother looking up and continued to search through my bag although  no one ever wants to sit with me. When I finally looked up I saw it was the boy, the only kind person in the school it seemed. My face must of gave away I was in shock because he gave me a warm smile.
'Brooklyn by the way' he told me
'K-Kaycee' of course I stuttered. Well done me.
'How are you?' Every time he spoke I felt safe, I barely knew this boy, what was happening.
'Could be better I guess, you?' SHOOT why was I letting my bad side show to someone so... perfect.
'Ah, same I guess' he didn't move he just stared into my eyes

Wait what? Not "I'm good thanks" and that getting up and leaving. I plucked up the courage to ask why.

'I'm sorry to hear that, can I ask why?' I saw his eyes fill with tears and my stomach sank, why did I ask that. Have I said something wrong. My mind became a whirl as I heard him try find the words to say something to me.
'I lost my dad 3 days ago. I wanted a new start somewhere new away from all the memories' Brooklyn said through sniffles and deep breaths. I didn't know what to do I was in shock but my gut was telling me to give him a hug although I didn't think it was right so I got up from my seat and sat beside him. Without hesitation he looked up and apologised. I hugged him straight away and told him not to apologise.
'I'm sure your dad was an amazing man. It gets better okay I promise, he's watching over you and I bet he's proud' I shocked myself with my own words. I couldn't tell myself it would get better so why could I tell someone else...

The Last Heart - Brooklyn Wyatt (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now