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A/N i turned off auto capitalisation so if this annoys you command and i will turn it back on x
i was being cradled in the arms of andy blood dipping from my nose, mouth and eye. i started to cry, receiving mocks and nasty comments from the huge crowd that had gathered.
"why don't you kill you self"
"no one likes you"
"you deserve nothing"
"you're useless"

andy shielded me and i got up and ran, i'm not sure where i was running to but i ran. i lost andy, i must have ran so far i didn't even know where i was. tiredness didn't take over me, my emotions did. i collapsed on the ground, head in my hands and prayed that everything would turn out okay. my confidence had slipped away i was just a pile of tears on the corner of a road i didn't even know. i checked my phone
14 missed calls
i didn't want to answer, i couldn't. that night i slept under a tree in a pile of leaves as it was where i felt i belonged. when i awoke i was snuggled rye's chest.
"you found me?" i choked on my words still in a mess from the previous night
"of course i did" he planted a kiss on my forehead
once again it meant nothing to me, just a best friendship thing.

i stared down at Kaycee, she is an angel but i love her nothing more than a bestfriend. i admit sometimes i think what would it be like if we were together, would we be like two bestfriends dating or would we totally change. the thought of losing Kaycee in anyway made me shiver. me and her sat talking under the oak tree for hours, i didn't really want to ask why she was beaten up and lay under a tree as andy had explained everything but he couldn't find me.
andy🌵: have you found her?
me: yes don't worry she's okay
andy🌵: where was she?
me: under a tree
andy🌵: safe?
me: safe
"who are you texting" she looked up at me
"andy. he's worried" i heard her sigh
"i'm sorry"
"no don't be, you wanted to help, you did the right thing" reassuring her

it was now school again, the awful thing i have to attend. rye put his arm around me as i walked through the doors to hell. sniggering flooded my ears and i felt myself going light headed, i stumbled through to the courtyard collapsing before reaching the bench.
i looked up and there was brooklyn sat beside me. when my senses came back i realised he was holding my hand, very tightly. out of shock i pulled it away quickly.
"oh sorry, did i startle you" the angelic voice spoke
"no, where am i" i tried getting up but he moved behind me and told me stay still.
"you're at school, you blanked out" he told me. i felt utterly humiliated, at this point i didn't care who could see me or what state i was in nothing could get worse. andy came running over with a glass of water and he lifted my head up to his chest. i sipped lightly before attempting to get to my feet. my balance was off so brook, rye and andy walked me to their car i was helped into the front seat. rye started the car whilst the other two boys jumped in the back. the motion of traveling made me dizzy again, i closed my eyes and waited to see where we were going.

we pulled to a stop and looking out my window i saw a huge sign
"community hospital" i didn't want to be in hospital, i was fine by now.
"why are we here" i asked startled
"you need to be checked, you were in a fight yesterday and-"
but before rye could finish speaking Brooklyn butted in.
"a fight?!"
"yeah about that..."

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