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A/N this is the last chapter!! i'll write an epilogue after though...
(Brooks POV)
"GUYS!!" i screamed running into the room.
"WHAT?!" they all screamed back.
"congratulations brooklyn! i couldn't ever lose you" rye pulled me into a hug with pure happiness.
"thank lord!! praise to that donor" he smiled from ear to ear like us all!
"and you kaycee... i'll never have to leave you now!" i kissed her on the forehead.

(Kaycees POV)
i felt guilt flow over me... he didn't know and he wasn't going to until it was done. so i put on a smile, it was a genuine smile because he was going to keep going with his life and become happy and have a family he deserves.
"i love you so much brooklyn" i hugged him tightly.
"let's have a celebratory nando's!" rye shouted.
"sounds like a plan!" we all said happily.

we all headed towards nando's. i realised i had less than a month to live and i couldn't help but let a frown show on my face because he didn't know what was going to happen.
"what's wrong babe" brooklyn said from the side.
"oh just a sad song" i smiled subtly at him.
"awh beautiful" he kissed the side of my head and pulled me to his side. i was slowly regretting my decision but brushed it off when i saw him joking and laughing with his bestfriends. i wanted him to have this forever. nando's was fun, we all joked around and i kind of forgot i was the donor when people were making speeches and stuff for brooklyn. then i was my turn.
"thankyou to the donor. thankyou for saving my words life. i respect you" i couldn't say anything else. it felt wrong. i couldn't praise myself. the rest of the night as normal, we went back to the flat and we watched a few movies. i rested my head against brooklyn's chest knowing soon it would be my heartbeat in his chest.
"POPCORN FIGHT" andy shouted.
popcorn was flying everywhere and soon enough blair came in angry that sticky popcorn was now all over the carpet and our beds. it was just a spiral of laughter and joy. i knew i'd miss this when i was gone.

today. today was the day i said my goodbyes.
"are you ready brooklyn" i hugged him tightly whilst we were in the hospital room, i told him we weren't allowed to be in contact with him 6 hours before the operation but the real reason was because i needed mine first.
"as ready as i'll ever be.. then we can start our life for proper" then words hurt me the most. he was planning our life and i was about to leave it.
"i love you with all my heart Brooklyn David Avraam Wyatt Gibson" i kissed him on the cheek and he returned with a peck on the lips.
i gave him a tight hug as a nurse came asking if we were both ready.

my emotions were a wreck but i didn't show it on the outside. i was taken into a room to wear a special gown. the nursers showed me massive amounts of respect when i asked for a few minutes to prepare. i went into the bathroom and quietly spoke into the mirror, after i knew what to say i pulled out my pen and paper and begin to write a note. i walked out the bathroom, the paper shaking in my hands.
"can you please give this to brooklyn when he wakes up?" i asked the nurse.
"of course, you ready?"
i nodded and with that i was put under medication and i was gone.

(Brooks POV)

my eyes felt heavy as i tried to open them...
"BROOKLYN HES AWAKE" i heard bethany shout.
"calm bethany he has just gone through a huge operation remember?" rye warned her. they both approached my bed as i could make out their faces.
"am i okay?" i asked
"you're perfect! it went amazingly, the nursers said your body has accepted the heart!" bethany said with a huge smile.
"where's kaycee?" i was concerned because i thought she would be here when i woke up.
"we're not sure but the nurse gave us this for you to read"

i let my eyes adjust to the writing and began to read.

dear brooklyn,
i want you to know i love you unconditionally and i never want to leave you. i couldn't watch you die. i want you to live on and live the happiest life you can. i am your donor. i needed to do this. please don't be mad or hurt or anything negative. i did this because you will always mean the word to be brooklyn. i am sorry i didn't tell you, i didn't know how.. it's done now. feel your heartbeat. it's me. i'm with you and i'll never leave. promise to keep yourself safe. thank you for being you and helping me through absolutely everything. this was the right thing brook, you helped me live so now it's my turn. keep smiling. stay strong i love you with all my heart. tell bethany and the others i am so sorry, i know they're heart broken but stay their friend forever so you all can still have a part of me in their life. once again i love you and i am proud to say i saved your life.

i couldn't believe what i was reading.

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