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it was a beautiful day, the perfect temperature and birds singing sweetly. except for me, it was dismal and terrible. i was lay in a hospital wired up to many machines all making weird beeping noises. my eyes slowly opened and sat next to me was rye, his hand met mine and he held it and told me everything's alright.
"why am i here. i was fine, i told you this" i pleaded
"yeah... no. your tests show different" his eyes shrunk and he became more serious...
"yeah. the doctor came in and explained everthing to me"
"JUST TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME" now raising my voice. i saw a smirk grow across is face, he let out a little snigger and for the first time ever i slapped rye.
"you can't do that to me. i thought i was going to die" my voice cracked. i sensed rye instantly regret his decisions and he lay next to me and held me.
"i'm sorry, forgive me" he held out his ring finger and wrapped it around mine. we told one another if we weren't married by the age of thirty we would marry each other so it was a secret promise we had. i nodded and he snuggled into me. for the first time in a while i felt safe.

it was time to leave the hospital as i felt more stable and ready to go home, i packed my bags and outside awaited brooklyn.

there she was. i shook my head to knock myself out of my fantasies and greeted her with a hug and opened the door for her to my car. rye helped her in and she gave him a warm smile. i jumped in the passenger side and rye once again driving. jealously sneaked in to my thoughts as rye and kaycee giggled about memories and how happy they were. without thinking i let out a sigh and rolled my eyes.
"what's up with you grumpy" rye sniggered
"oh nothing just a bad day"
"come on you can tell us"
"nah i'm fine" i wanted him to drop it
"you sure?" he insisted
"I SAID IM FINE" i was now shouting at rye. he stopped the car and told me to get out, i stared at him in shock and when i didn't move he unbuckled my seat belt and almost pushed me away.
"no rye please i can't handle this" i heard kaycee from the back seat. i could see rye loved her, i wasn't sure in what way so he carried on driving until we reached my house. i got out the car and said bye whilst waving to kaycee in the back seat. i sighed and thought would this ever work

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