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i felt the panic rising through my body, i started shaking, trembling not knowing what to do. i went dizzy and light headed. my eyes heavy. my vision was blurry and the last distorted image i could make out was brooklyn running towards me. i became conscious again with a packet of frozen pies against my head and the look of worry in brooklyn's eyes.
"you're okay?!" he said sighing with relief.
"yeah... i think i had a panic attack"
"why? do you want to tell me" he lifted me onto his lap cradling me. i showed him my phone his face dropped.
"let me check mine" he suggested.
9 missed calls from Bethany
23 missed calls from Rye
16 new messages

(Brooks POV)
i began to ring rye back. not long after his familiar voice came through the speakers, except it was different, it sounded destroyed.
"hi mate you okay?" it was a stupid question but it's polite to ask.
"no... bethany's absolutely heart broken"
"where are you?" i said sounding stern and concerned.
"the hospital. ward 28. room 43"
"on my way." with that i hung up the phone and headed straight for the car, Kaycee following behind.

(Kaycees POV)
once again my mind was spinning but i was able to keep myself stable and prepared for my bestfriends sake, as well as my boyfriends. i could tell brooklyn was petrified. his eyes were small and tired looking and his bottom lip was trembling. i placed my hand on his thigh whilst he was driving to reassure him and to help him relax. i put my headphones in to stop my travel sickness and relaxed myself. we arrived at the hospital and frantically we spun round corner after corner until we arrived at the correct room, slowing down before we reached the door.
i knocked gently and was greeted by an extremely upset bethany. she pulled me into a hug and cried into my shoulder. i looked over to my right and saw her mum lay in the hospital bed, attached to many wires and machines.
"what happened bethany"
"my... me.. she"
rye took over from her letting her calm down.
"bethany's mum was rushed into hospital due to lung and chest pains this evening" i looked at the time and realised it was 12:03am
"no one knew what was happening so they did lots of tests and they came back stating she had pneumonia, expect it was a very rare case and survival rates are very low. bethany was begging you to come. when you didn't answer we tried brooklyn" not only was bethany crying, so was i. Mrs Booth was my second mum and i knew how close her and bethany are. i walked back over to bethany and pulled her into yet another hug.

(Brooks POV)
standing in a hospital room, with my girlfriends bestfriends mum dying right in front of her. i felt devistated and partly to blame because we wasn't here for her, instead we were trapped in our own worlds watching netflix. rye looks broken too, him and bethany weren't a couple but they acted like it so i whispered to him...
"why aren't you two together yet?"
"i want to ask her, but now isn't the time" he explained.
"i think it's perfect timing. you can tell her how much she means to you and that you will stand by her"
"okay... i'll try" and with those words that's exactly what rye did. he walked over to bethany rubbing his hands together nervously.

(Ryes POV)
"excuse me... uhm bethany. id like to speak to you"
she brought her full attention to me, trying to show a smile despite her weakness.
"bethany booth, you bring a smile into my life and i want you to be my permanent smile. i know right now isn't perfect timing for us all but i want you to know that i'm going to be here with you throughout everything that's about to unfold. will you be my girlfriend?" her eyes shone brighter than ever before, she wrapped her arms around my neck, stared into my eyes and told me the words i always wanted to hear.
"yes i will be your girlfriend rye beaumont"

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