Round 1: Tangos and Ponytails.

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"Man...that was so tiring!" Lance complained as he flung himself onto the lounge couch. 

"Why do we have to train sooooooo much?" He said in a whiny voice. It was slightly muffled because his face was buried in the cushions. 

"Because, you are the paladins of Voltron. You cannot think you can be the defenders of the entire universe without training." Allura replied to Lance with a monotone voice, obviously being annoyed by Lance's remarks. They all just got done with, yet another, training exercise.

It was just the day before that they had escaped planet Nexzela. Lotor helped them by destroying the force field. They were not sure if he would actually help Voltron in the fight against the Galra and Zarkon, but they would find out when they have a meeting with them in the near future. 

Shiro broke the silence among the sleepy paladins.

"Now, as you all know, we have been doing more training exercises to help strengthen the bond of Voltron, so now we are going to do an exercise that I think you may all lik-" 

Shiro was cut off by Lance's complaining. 

"God, another one?!? We just finished our exc-" Shiro then cut off Lance.

"As I was saying, we are doing an exercise. We are going to play a game of Truth or Dare," Shiro said. The gloomy and tired atmosphere in the room vanished. The paladins were very excited to play a game that reminded them of home. Every one sat up and looked a lot more happier and awake than before.

"So here's the rules," Coran said. "The castle has a programmed Truth or Dare generator in it, thanks to Pidge. We'll keep score and play in rounds. It will generate harder truths and dares, which are worth more points, and easier truths and dares, which give you less points. You can say that you do not want to answer, but you will get no points. After each round is over, the person with the least amount of points will be eliminated from the game. The winner will get to take tomorrow completely off from training," Coran said.

Lance's and Pidge's heads peeked up at the 'no training' part. Pidge thought she could finally program her robot and hang out with Matt. Lance dreamed of having a sleeping day with no annoying training.

"So, is everyone ready to start?" Coran asked.

"Yes!" The group responded. The team arranged the chairs to form a circle in the middle of the lounge. Shiro took a seat by Allura, followed by Hunk, Pidge, Keith, Lance, and Corran. Everyone sat for a minute, and this gave Pidge a minute to think. 

Where is Matt? 

The truth was that we was sitting at the front of the castle, watching they team play. He had a bag of popcorn and a keyboard. Little did they know that he would be the one typing the truths and dares tonight.

"Okay, computer, who is going first?" Allura asked. The huge screen responded by showing a picture of Hunk. 

"Truth or dare, Hunk?" The computer asked in a robotic voice. 

"Dare!" He responded confidently.

"What is the last thing you searched/googled on your phone?" Hunk then pulled out his phone and looked at his search history. 

"How to make blueberry macarons," he said. 

"One point goes to Hunk," the computer responded. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, relieved that he had not received a horrible dare.

"Pidge, truth or dare?" 

"Dare!" She yelled excitedly at the computer. 

"Do the tango with the person to the right of you," it said. If only they could hear Matt laughing wildly in the other room. He would give his sister hell tonight!

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