Chapter 14: I Must Be Dreaming.

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(Lances point of view)

"KEITH!!" I screamed as I fell. I hit the hard, metal floor and my vision was blurry with tears. I tried to pull myself up, but my arms were too weak. My head has a raging headache. "Lance!" A familiar voice called. I hear footsteps coming towards me. I slowly blink open my eyes to see Keith looking at me. He slowly heaved me up and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. He walked me over to the bench. We are in the room with all the cryopods and I was in the same white latex outfit I was in when the bomb went off in the castle. Where am I and how did I get here? All my questions were put aside because of one thing: Keith is okay.

"Keith, oh my god! You're okay!!" I yelled as I pulled him into a hug. "Hey! That's my line!" Keith said. As he pulled away from the hug. "How so?" I asked. He took a deep breath before he spoke. His voice wasn't more than a whisper. 

"You've been asleep in the cryopod for over 3 months," he said grimly as he looked down at the floor. "We thought you weren't going to make it," he said. He looked up and stared into my eyes. He had a terrified look in his eyes. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked. "Well, yeah. Shiro went berserk and tried to kill us, well, he did. How are you alive? He stabbed your chest," I said. He looked surprised by my response. "What in the world are you talking about, Lance?" "Do you remember? We went to Earth and stuff," I responded. "Lance, that never happened. You were injured after the battle with the Galra," Keith said.

"What battle?" I asked. I don't recall a recent battle with the Galra. Keith sighed and looked hurt. "You don't remember?" "Well, I remember that we defeated the Galra in a battle. It was the one where Lotor wanted to form an allience with him. We came back to the castle and rested. We then did a whole bunch of training exercises and played a huge game of truth or dare," I said.

"We never played a game of truth or dare," Keith said. I gasped. "Wait...does that mean that everything that happened after that Galra battle didn't actually happen?" I asked. The answer was in Keith's face. I quickly stood up as a tear ran down my face. "Lance!! Where are you going?" Keith asked as he stood up after me. I ignored him. Us dating, me seeing my family, the truth or dare game: it never happened. It was just one big dream. A huge lie. Me and Keith, it never happened. God, what am I going to do? I mean, I'm glad that everyone is okay and that Shiro didn't murder us all, but that's just so cruel. Everything felt so realistic. It felt so real. How could that all just be fake?

I opened the door to my room and slammed it behind me. I hit my back against the wall and slowly slid down it. I put my hands on my face and just cried. I should of realized it was fake. There's no way my family would accept a gay. My two uncles had to move out when they got engaged. I thought my family just magically became forgiving of my and their 'sins'. I should of seen through it. They wouldn't accept me.

I knew I was different, I just could never figure out what kind of different I was. I google searched articles to explain to me what the terms "pan" and "bi" even meant. The second I saw the words "romantic attraction towards both males and females", I knew it was me, but it took me a while to truely understand and accept it. I didn't make the final decision that I was bi until I got into space. I had to figure everything out on my own.

But, now what am I going to do? I've fallen in love with Keith, but I don't know if he feels the same way. I can't just strait out tell him, "oh, and when I had that dream where it felt like it was real life, I fell in love with you and we dated. You wanna date me?"

This plain out sucks.

I sighed and stood up to do my nightly routine. My face had dotts of acne from my lack of face pads and such for 3 months. When I was walking over to my closet to pick out my clothes for bed, I heard a slight knocking on my door.

"Go away, Keith!" I yelled. "Hope your not naked, because I'm comin' in!" Shiro yelled. The door then opened and saw the team standing there. I regretted not locking the door. "Keith told is what you said about that dream earlier," Shiro said. "Do you want to talk about it?" "Not really," I said quickly. That was a complete lie. "Lance, you're lying. What happened?" "Well, many things that I really would like to have happen in real life." "Like what?" "Well, u-uh, we went to earth and I saw my family," I said. That wasn't the only thing, but there was no way I would tell them that. "Well, were just glad you're alive and awake. Now, get some rest," Allura said. They then shut the door and left me alone. I put on some pajamas and quickly drifted into a very light sleep.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open and rolled over to look at my clock. "2:38" I sighed and attempted to go back to sleep...and failed. After awhile, I realized I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. I stood up to leave my room and took my blanket. I wrapped it around my shoulders to keep the warmth and walked out of my room quietly. My footsteps echoed across the long hallway.

I entered the control room and took a seat on the steps. The windows showed all the stars floating around in space. I sighed and looked out at the beautiful view. Before I knew it, a tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek. Why did I deserve this? Why am I the one who has to go through the pain of loving someone and knowing that they don't love me back? Why did this happen? Suddenly, the door opens and I see Keith walking out.

"Lance?" He asks as I quickly turn around so I didn't meet his gaze. I quickly wiped of the tears so he wouldn't see. "What are you doing up?" He asked as he took a seat beside me. "I have the same question for you," I responded quietly. He sighed. "Lance, what happened in that dream that was so amazing? You seem so upset and I want to know how I can help you," Keith said. I picked my words carefully before I spoke.

"Something I would prefer not to share," I said. Keith crossed his arms and looked down at the floor. "You know that you can talk to me, right? I'm not going to judge you or anything. If you want to say anything, please do," he said. "Okay, fine," I gave in. "But you asked for it. Remember that," I said. I leaned in closely to him and slowly placed my lips onto his. I could feel him stiff up like a board, but that didn't stop me. I placed my hand gently on his cheek and after a few seconds, I pulled away.

"I'm in love with you," I said boldly. Keith drew in a shuddering breath and I backed away slowly. We sat there in an awkward silence before he broke it. "Well, I wasn't really expecting that," he said. "What made you fall in love with me?" He asked. "Well, in my dream, we started dating," I said. "I really, really, fell in love with you, but now it's all fake. It never happened. It's just so cruel, you know?" I asked as I started to breakdown.

"To f-fall in love with someone and th-then your relationship with that p-p-person just to disappear; to be left with the l-love you had before and to be stuck in a situation w-where you have to restart your whole relationship. It's so horrible," I said. I put my hands in my face and just sat there; crying. I felt him place his hand on my back and pat it a few times.

Suddenly, he placed his hand on my chin and pulled my face up to look into his purple eyes. He wiped the tears from my face and then leaned in to kiss me. My eyes widened as he pulled away. "You know, I've been in love with you since you we had that bonding moment that you so conveniently forgot," Keith said quietly as his gaze was aimed at his feet. "Really?" I asked in surprise. "Yeah," he said. I sighed in relief and looked over to him. His eyes met my gaze and he gave me a warm enough smile to melt my heart. We then made out in the control room; without a care in the world. With the stars shining so brightly and the warmth of each other, we had a moment of peace that we both hadn't felt in a very, very long time.

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