Chapter 7: "You guys were hot".

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Hey, guys. I just wanted to say thanks!! I mean, we almost have 100 reads!! Yay!! One more thing, I've never kissed anyone before, so my writing probably sucks. I'm so sorry for that, but I'm trying :)

(Lance's point of view) 

 With the computer's words still taunting me, our faces are mere inches apart. An adorable and deep red blush spreads across Keith's face, which makes mine worse. We slowly inched closer and closer together, but then I closed the space between us. 

My lips barely touched his, but then he pressed his against mine. I slam my eyes shut and run my hands through Keith's ponytail. My other hand trails up his back. I felt his hands slowly rest on my waist. My face blushed profusely and it is almost as if Keith remembered at this was a competition. 

 I was still taking it slow, but then Keith picked up the pace. He slid his hand up the back of my shirt, making goosebumps run across my entire body. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I let him in. My hands were now glued to his face as he ran his hands from my back to my hair. We just stood there, making out. 

 I couldn't say it was a bad feeling, but it was definitely awkward with the rest of the team standing right beside us. I could tell that this was Keith's first kiss, too. He mimicked the techniques I was using, but he was doing a mighty fine job I do say so myself.

And I do say so myself. 

 I pushed Keith back into the wall, cornering him with my arms. I leaned in, way to close to him, and started sucking his upper lip.

 I put the most amount of passion into it as I could. It had been a few minutes now, but we continued on, neither of us wanting defeat. I ran my tongue around his lips and he moaned. At this rate, I would never win. What could I do to win? There was only one thing that I could think of to do to make him give up. 

I bit his bottom lip. Not enough to break the skin, but enough to give him a good scare. Instantly, he pushed me away, giving in. We both breathed heavily, desperately trying to catch our breaths, and looked at each other. Keith's face was bright red and he look dazed and confused. Suddenly, Keith turned around and ran in the direction of his room, leaving me with the team and the computer saying, "Lance has won." 


(Keith's point of view) 

I ran as quickly as I could down the hallway. I heard Lance call my name a few times, but I ignored him. I just ran and ran down the seeming endless hallway. When I was sure he was not following me, I leaned up against the hallway wall and slowly slid down to the floor. A single tear had ran down my face and I rubbed my hand on the forehead.

I shouldn't be so weak. 

Damnit. I really don't know what to do. What should I do? I racked my brain for an answer. I decided that I should go to my room before anyone sees me. I slowly trudged down the long hallway. 

I turned on the lights and shut the door; making sure that I locked it. I stripped and took a quick shower. Showers always helped me clear my mind. Before I got in, I caught I glance of myself in the mirror.

My eyes were red from crying and my lips were swollen. My face was red as well and my hair was still in a ponytail, just a little messed up from Lance. I pulled the hair tie out and hopped in the shower. The warm water flowed through my long hair as I let my mind ponder. 

Quiznack, what just happened? Oh, yeah, me and Lance just made out in front of the entire team. Check, get that part. Okay, Lance is an amazing kisser, but I can't really tell because that was my first kiss. Check, get that. One more question: why the fuck did I want to kiss him again? I can't really check that off my list of understanding what's happening. 

But, why? Out of all the things that the computer could do, it asked was to make out? That's kinda odd. But, damn, that kiss was actually real good. The way his hands ran up my back and the feeling of holding him close...

Wait a second. Do I have feelings for Lance?!?, no, no. That's not it. But...why do I feel weird? My heart is racing and the only thing my brain is telling me is that I want to do that again. 

No, I'm straight. I guess. I've never been attracted to anyone really before, so I guess I can just call myself an asexual? 

Yeah, that works for now. 

I turned off the warm water and quickly but on some black workout shorts. I did my nightly routine and turned off the lights. I crawled into the warm covers and shut my eyes. I tried to block everything out and I just focused on sleeping. 

I was about to drift into a deep sleep when I heard a knock on my door. I had a mini panic attack and decided that I would not answer to the knock. After a second, the knocking continued, only to be followed by a familiar voice. 

"Hey Keith. It's Shiro. I know you might not want to talk right now, but I need to speak to you." I hesitated, but then got up to unlock and open the door. I let Shiro in and I sat on my bed. He shut the door and stood beside it with his arms crossed. 

"What is it?" I mumbled. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. I looked up at him and started to talk. 

"No, not really. My fucking crush just made out with me in front of the whole team and- oh my god. That's not what I meant to say! I don't have a crush on him. I-" 

"It's okay, Keith. Your secret is safe with me," he said with a wink. Before I could say he wasn't my crush again, he spoke. 

"But really, is everything alright? Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. I took a second before I spoke. 

"I mean, I don't really know. If I going to be honest, I've never kissed anyone before, so that was first. I have no experience in any of the things that just happened. I'm just...confused. I'm still questioning my sexuality and such, so I just don't know. The only thing I do know is that it just felt...unnatural. It felt forced a bit," I said. 

"Okay. Just work everything out in your mind and don't stress about it. Talk to Lance when your ready," he said. He opened the door to leave but then turned around. 

"Oh, and by the way, you guys were hot," Shiro said before closing the door. 

"SHIRO!!" I yelled as he closed the door and wished my good night. I sighed and then tucked myself under the blankets. I slowly drifted into an unsteady and restless sleep.

Boi, I know. I promise that things will get better. I SWEAR. 

Can't wait to write more!!! 

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