Round 2: Español and Peanut Butter.

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So, from this chapter on, there is some spanish speaking. I do not speak spanish, so these are from google translate. I am completely aware they are horribly wrong. If anyone could message me with the correct translations, it would make me so happy! I am so sorry they are wrong! :( Thanks for understanding!

(Keith's P.O.V)

I saw Hunk sigh with what seemed to be half disappointment and half relief. Pidge patted him on the back and we started a new round of the game.

I cannot express how happy I am to be back with the team for once. The Blade said I could take break to rest with Voltron, which it wasn't really a break because of how much Shiro was pushing us. But still, I am very happy.

"Lance, truth or dare?" The computer asked. 

"Dare!" He responded boldly. He has a smirk on his face as he waited for his dare it come. "Speak Spanish for the rest if the round." 

"Aye, aye aye!" He responded, sighing dramatically and leaning back into his chair. 

"¡No es justo! (I'll put translations here for you. No fair!)" he responded.

"Dude, you know we can't understand you, right?" I asked. 

"Sí, sí. " he responded. "Lo sé (I know)." I looked at Lance for a little bit, and then realized I was blushing wildly. I don't know why, but I found it oddly attractive for him to be speaking Spanish. Why was that? 

The computer continued on with the game.

"Shiro, truth or dare?" The computer asked. 

"I'll do a truth," he responded. 

"What is your favorite meme?" The computer asked. Shiro started chuckling, followed by his response. 

"I think the tide pods are my favorite, you know? Here we are, in outer space, humans doing the unthinkable and unimaginable; oh wait. We have to tell them to make sure not to eat tide pods," he said, bursting into laughter. God I remember that wretched meme. Again, I wrote this a long time ago.

For the first time in a while, I gave off a few chuckles. Everyone at the Blade has always been so serious. No one is going to be talking about memes or playing a game of truth or dare. That's what I miss so much about this team when I'm gone. 

"2 points for Shiro."

"Coran, truth or dare?" 

"I'll be brave and do a dare!" He responded. 

"Sing your favorite song," the computer responded. Coran then started to sing in an unknown language. It was upbeat, but no one, except for Allura, knew what he was saying. This gave me a moment to ponder.

Why do I suddenly feel this funny feeling in the bottom of my stomach? Every since Lance started speaking Spanish, I just feel...odd. I'd never felt this way before. 

Because I'm such an introvert, I never really had any friends throughout the Garrison. I had never dated, kissed, or had a crush on anyone before as well. But, could I love with Lance?

No, no no

No way. I have never seen him that way before, so it must be something else.

"¿Keith, alguien en casa? ¿Estás prestando atención? (Keith, anyone home? Are you paying attention?)," Lance asked. "¿Hola?" Lance asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? Sorry. I spaced out," I responded. 

"Keith, truth or dare?" The computer asked for the second time. 

"Ummmm...truth," I said. I had spaced out, so I just said the first thing that came to my mind. I would if prefered a truth any day, but I instantly regretted my decision.

"How many people have you kissed?" The computer asked. 

"I've never kissed anyone before," I responded quickly. My eyes dropped to look at the floor as my face started to turn pink.

I tried to sound cool, calm, and collected, but I was literally dying on the inside. Why in the world would the computer generate such a specific question? And why did I have to get it? I mean, I'm pretty good with talking about any topics, but love always makes me....uncomfortable.

The idea of having someone that you love or close to just kinda sounds weird. Both of my parents are dead and stuff, so I've always been a loner. I've never really had anyone in my life that I can say that I love besides my parents, but they're dead! I barely even knew them.

"What?!? That's crazy. You're meaning to tell me that your an 18 year old boy, and you've never kissed anyone?" Pidge asked. 

"Pidge, thats rude-" Shiro said.

"Well, yeah," I responded. I could tell that my face was beginning to turn as red as my jacket. "Bueno, ¿qué más puedo esperar de un introvertido y solitario como tú? (Well, what could I expect from an introvert and loner like you?)

"Again, Lance. We can't understand you!" Allura said. 

"¡LO SÉ, PERO NO VA A DETENERME DE HACER COMENTARIOS! (I KNOW, BUT THAT'S NOT GOING TO STOP ME FROM MAKING COMMENTS!!)" Lance yelled. He had his hands dramatically in the air. He sat there for a moment, put his hands down, and then sighed loudly. He slowly leaned back into the seat. 

"4 points for Keith."


(Third person point of view)

Matt typed viciously on the computer at the front of the ship. Keith had never kissed anyone? That would change tonight. 

*que evil laughter and dramatic space lightning*

The round continued with Allura having to run 20 laps around the group and Pidge having to say her biggest secret (which was getting up regularly at 3 am to eat peanut butter). Lance also got 5 points for speaking Spanish. 

The remaining contestants were surprised to hear that Coran was going to exit the game and Keith had the most points. 

Well, not everyone was that surprised because it was only a matter of time before Coran left. He wasn't the best at these earth games.

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