Chapter 12: Cuba.

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First off, 2.3 K READS AND 100 VOTES?!?!?! OMG! That you guys so much!! I never though I would get this far.

Secondly, I am so sorry for the late post. I've been trying to post every weekend, but I failed to do that this week, so it's a little late. My next post should be some time next week. I'm shooting for Friday (the 6th), but that might not happen.

Thirdly, I don't really know if there is a fandom made family for Lance, but this is what I came up with, so tell me if I'm wrong. I'll go back and edit it.

Fourthly, I saw the movie Love, Simon this weekend. I AM SHOOKITH. I really recommend it. It's really good.

With that, I present to you, chapter 12!! Enjoy!


The team landed on a large and grassy field. They exited their lions and walked up to a large home. It was a light yellow and needed many repairs. The paint was peeling and the white doors were scuffed up. 

Lance sprinted up the few stairs and waited for the team to follow him onto the porch. He looked back at the team for some type of response and Shiro gave him a warm smile and a slight nod. Lance turned to face the door and he drew in a long and big breath. He could hear the familiar voices in the chaotic house. 

Lance knocked on the door.

"Coming!" A young sounding lady yelled in response to the knock. A cinnamon toned lady with short, brown hair opened the door. She had a broom in one hand and was dressed in blue shorts and a light pink tee shirt. She had bright blue eyes just like Lance. She gasped when she saw Lance and dropped the broom. 

"MI (MY) LANCE!!" She yelled as she pulled him into a hug. 


 "LANCE?!" A young teen ran down the staircase in the hallway and joined the hug. More "Lance!"s were heard throughout the house. An old man, a young girl, an older brother, and many more people joined into the hug. Tears ran down almost all the family members' faces; including Lance.

"¡Oh, cómo te extrañé! (Oh, how I have missed you!)" One of the younger teens said. The hug ended and everyone stood back. They all were excited that Lance was present that they didn't even notice the paladins standing behind him. The family bombarded him with questions and the paladins, except Pidge, could not understand a single word they were saying.

"These are my friends I want you to meet: Coran, Princess Allura, Keith, Shiro, Matt, Pidge, and Hunk," he said. He pointed at each person as he said their names. "This is my grandma and pawpaw, you'll have to make sure you speak slow and clear English for them and the younger kids, my mom Margarita and my dad Tomàs. My uncle Alejandro and my aunt Camila. This is my two engaged uncles: Mateo and Nicòlas. My sis Veronica and my younger brother Luise. The baby Diego and little hijo (son) Samuel. And the twins Juan and Carlos. That's all 15," Lance said.

"Hola!" Juan said. Margarita welcomed them in and they all went to the guest rooms. Keith and Lance stayed in Lance's room, Coran and Allura took one of the guest bedroom, Hunk, Matt, and Pidge took the another guest bed room and Shiro took the couch in the living room. The paladins placed their overnight bags in the rooms and changed out of their fighting gear. 

It was almost dinner time and the team hadn't eaten since breakfast, so they were starving. They all sat in the living room with the entire family as Margarita, Tomàs, and Camila made dinner.

"Lance, where were you this entire time?" Camila yelled from the kitchen.

"Well, when Shiro landed on Earth, we saved him and went to Keith's house. We stayed there overnight and found the blue lion the next day. After that, we found Coran and Allura and entered the war of the Galra. We've been fighting it ever since. The Galra, as Shiro said when he was being broadcasted, are an evil race trying to take over the entire universe. That's why we're fighting. We want to save all the enslaved planets and keep you guys safe," he responded.

There were some nods around the room. Everyone continued to ask questions until dinner was ready. They made a huge and traditional Cuban meal. Before they ate, Lance pulled Keith out of the room. They whispered about something and then returned. Everyone ate in silence for a moment; which was odd for the large family. 

Lance looked at Keith and Keith gave him an encouraging nod. "I would like to share something important with you all," Lance started. 

"Some of you know this already, but most do not. Keith and I are dating," Lance said with a wide smile. 

"I KNEW IT!!!!" Hunk yelled as he pointed at the pair. Pidge and Matt exchanged smirks and Allura and Coran looked confused. They didn't know what the term dating meant. Shiro filled them in.

"Ooohhh!!!!" Margarita said as she stood up she walked around the table and gave Lance a hug. She then looked at the person in the chair beside Lance: Keith. She looked up and down at him as if she was examining a difficult math problem. 

"This one Keith?" She asked in her thick Spanish accent. 

"Yes," Lance responded. She went behind his chair and lifted up his arms. She lightly squeezed them to see his build. Keith gave a concerned look to Lance, but he just smiled. She check Keith out for a moment and then bombarded him with questions.

"How old are you?" 


"Who are your parents?" 

"My dad is dead and my mom is missing. I never knew who my mom was." 

"Mom I-" Lance started. 

"Where are you from?" 


"MADRE!! I think that's enough!" Lance yelled. 

"Fine," she said as she went back to her seat. 

"That's great, Lance! I never would of expected you to be with Keith," Shiro said. 

"Me too," Keith added in softly. Everyone finished dinner and went to bed.

Lance and Keith changed into their pajamas and got into bed. His brother Luise usually shared the room with him, but he pulled his bed out of the room and brought it to the twins' room. There wasn't another bed, so Lance and Keith had to share. 

It was not that different from the castle, though. They usually shared a bed, so it was normal. Lance sat on the edge of the bed. Keith sat beside him and placed an arm around his shoulder. Lance turned his head to look at Keith and game him a wide grin. Keith game him a small yet warm smile.

Lance leaned in closer to Keith and closed the space between them. Keith turned completely towards his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist. In return, Lance put one hand on Keith's face and the other into his mullet. 

They were interrupted when the door shot open.

"Ewwww!!!!!" Luise yelled as he pointed at the couple with a grin. 

"What do you want?!" Lance yelled. 

"Mr. Teddy!" He quickly ran to where his bed used to be and picked up a small teddy bear. He sprinted out the room and slammed the door. They could hear Luise yelling as he ran down the hallway. 

"Mommy!! Lance and Keith are making out!" 

"LUISE!!!!!" Lance yelled in return. Giggles were heard down the hallway. Lance sighed and stood up. He turned of the lights and walked back over to the bed. They laid down and they both were facing the wall. Lance wrapped his long arms around Keith. Lance placed his head into Keith's mullet and sighed. Keith rested his hands on Lance's as his breathing slowed. It wasn't long before Lance started kissing Keith's neck.



"What are you doing?"

"Kissing your neck."

"Can you please stop?"

"Nope." Lance responded. They both soon drifted into a deep sleep that they would need tomorrow. Their next destination was Texas.

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