Chapter 13: Texas.

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Screw it! #YOLO!! I'm posting this now. Thank you guys so much. You guys are so amazing! 4K reads? That's so awesome. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I had writing it. My next post will be on Friday. Enjoy!!


"LANCE, KEITH!! ¡¡¡¡DESPIERTA!!!! (WAKE UP!!!!)" Margarita yelled as she banged on the door. Margarita waited for a yell back to tell her that they were awake, but after receiving none, she slammed the door open and flipped on the light. "LANCE! Despierta! El desayuno está listo. (Wake up! Breakfast is ready.)"

She then shut the door. Lance groaned. He looked over to his alarm clock beside the bed. It read "5:13". He forgot that his mom woke the whole house up at 5 every morning.

  He heard Keith groan and shift. He tightened his grip around Lance's waist and dug his head into his chest in attempt to block out the light from his vision. Lance slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Keith stayed on Lance, making it very difficult for Lance to stand up.

"Keith! Get off of me! We have to go to breakfast," Lance said. "Ugh...five more minutes..." he said. "No!" Lance yelled. He peeled Keith off from him and stood up. He grabbed a pair of clothes from his closet and walked towards the bathroom to get dressed. He brushed his hair, got dressed, and brushed his teeth. When he was ready, he poked his head out of the bathroom to see if Keith actually listened to him to get up. Not to his surprise, Keith laid there on the bed.

He was curled up into a ball and was fast asleep. Lance sighed and walked over to the bed. He nudged Keith's arm.

"KEEF!! GET YOUR ASS UP!!" He yelled. Keith didn't respond. Lance nudged his arm harder. "Get up, Keith," Lance said in a pleading tone. "Fine," Keith mumbled softly. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Do you know how adorable you look when you wake up?" Lance asked as he took a seat beside Keith. Keith ignored Lance's comment until Lance grabbed the bottom of his chin. He pulled Keith's face up to look him in the eye and Keith's lavender eyes flickered up. They met each other's gaze. Lance leaned in to close the space between them; only to be interrupted by another loud knock.

"LANCE!!!" Margarita yelled again. Lance flinched and stood up. "We're up!" He yelled and the pair stood up and. They walked down the stairs and sat down at the table. Almost everyone was present accept Pidge, Hunk, and a few members of Lance's family. The people who were present looked wide awake: except for some of the paladins.

Keith looked like Death itself, Lance felt like Death, but looked okay besides the bags under his eyes, Shiro looked perfectly normal because that was the time he usually got up, Allura and Coran looked like they wanted to kill themselves, Matt looked rough, and when Hunk and Pidge finally came down the stairs, Pidge looked as bad as Keith and Hunk looked as cheerful as ever.

"Remind me why we are up at 5 am in the morning?" Keith asked to Lance. "Because that is when my mom wakes us up for breakfast," Lance responded. Keith groaned and banged his head on the table. "Hey! Be glad you're not my mom and aunt. They get up at 3," lance said. "Every single morning?" Keith asked in dismay. "Yep," Lance said plainly.

They enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, eggs, grits, biscuits, and anything other breakfast food imaginable. After they ate breakfast, it was time for the paladins to leave.

"Adiós," Lance said as he gave everyone a final hug. They all had tears running down their faces as Lance walked with the rest of the team to their lions. Everyone was upset to see Lance go, but were glad he was safe and going to fight for the greater good.

"Be safe, Lance. And if you die, you will really upset me!!" Margarita yelled as she waved goodbye. Lance gave her a smile back and his signature finger guns as they loaded the lions. They took off from Cuba. Their next stop was to Texas. They would stop by to say hello to Pidge's and Matt's mom, Colleen, and to see their dog Bea Bea. She lived right by the Galaxy Garrison.

They landed on the barren land of Texas and Colleen immediately stormed out the house the second she saw the lions. "MATT!! KATIE!" She yelled as she brought them into a big hug. "Mom!" They said in unison. Tears ran down the short haired lady as she hugged her children. "Do you know where Sam is?" She asked. Matt just stared at the ground and nodded his head. She cried more and placed her face into her hands.

"But we're looking. We'll find him, okay?" Pidge said. They went into one last hug before Pidge broke it to tell her about her friends. "These are my friends! So, this is Shiro. He's the leader of Voltron. Lance is the goof ball-" "HEY" "-Keith is the emo one. Hunk is nice and makes really good food. Allura is the princess that helped us get all the lions. And Coran is her caretaker," she said.

Colleen gave them a warm smile and welcomed them in. They sat down for a few hours and enjoyed some lunch. They had conversations about the war and the Galra forces. They talked about Sam and many other things until they needed to leave to go to their next destination. The paladins left the old house to head to the lions. Shiro suddenly stopped walking and stared at the ground.

"Shiro?" Keith asked as he placed his hand on his shoulder. Shiro's eyes turned a bright yellow and he turned completely towards Keith. A wicked smile filled his face "S-Shiro?" Keith asked. Shiro's robotic arm turned a light pink as he suddenly lunged it at Keith. It penetrated his armor and went all the way through Keith's chest. He coughed up blood as he dropped to his knees. Shiro pulled his arm out of Keith and Lance ran over to them.

"KEITH!!!!!" He yelled as he got on his knees. Keith gave him a smile as his eyes slowly shut. "Stay safe," he said as he stopped breathing "Keith! NO NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" He said, but he was already to late. Tears streamed down his face. "No! No no no no! This can't be happening!! Please, Keith!" He looked up around him to see his fallen friends. Pidge's glasses shattered on the ground with her decapitated arm. Allura laying motionless beside Coran. The only movement was Shiro, or whatever that thing was, slowly rising. Blood all over his black and white armor. He slowly walked over to Lance. The only sounds were Lance's cries and Shiro's slow footsteps. "Goodbye, 7th wheel," he said in a dark and monotone voice and he lunged at Lance. The air was filled with Lance's screaming and the sound of armor cracking.

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