Chapter 9: The Bee Movie.

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(Keith's point of view)

I woke up to the loud sound of Shiro banging on my door as he does every morning. 

"Keith, breakfast is ready!" He shouted.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I quickly got ready. I put in black combat boots, a black tee-shirt and black jeans. Man, I'm so tired...what happened last night?

When I walked into the bathroom, I was quickly reminded of what happened. My lips were still slightly swollen. 

Before I could protest the fact that I really, really didn't want to see Lance or the team, I quickly walked out my door and into the long hallway.


(Third person point of view)

Everyone in the room looked up from their food goo breakfast to see Keith walk in the room. Might they say he looked horrible. He had bags under his eyes, his skin was even more pale than usually and he looked like he wanted to murder someone.

At this point, the only person missing from breakfast was Lance, but he was usually late anyways. The room as completely silent for about five minutes until Lance entered. He was wearing his usual blue and white tee-shirt with his jacket and jeans.

He took a seat beside Hunk and across from Keith. Mornings were never silent, but this one was. Everyone could feel the tension in the room.

"So, did everyone have fun last night?" Shiro asked. He instantly regretted it because he knew that all the paladins wanted to do was get it off their mind.

"Yeah," said Pidge. 

"It was fun until I got out," Hunk said. He clearly regretted saying that because he got out in the first round. Some more answers flowed throughout the room, but Lance and Keith were silent. This horrible quietness lasted until Keith got up to scrape his plate. Keith then went into the training room to practice his combat skills. It always helps him clear his mind.

Lance soon followed to go back into his room leaving the rest of the team to finish eating.

"Jeez, that was so awkward," Pidge said when Lance was out of ear shot. 

"I know, right? I wonder when they will try to work this out," Hunk said.


Lance and Keith didn't work it out for at least a week. They avoided each other at all costs and anytime they were together, there was this horrible and awkward silence. After about ten days, the paladins had enough.

"Everyone, please come into the lounge," Allura said into the intercom. The team slowly trickled into the lounge; one by one. As expected, Lance was the last to arrive. "Now, you all have been working really hard all week," Shiro started.

"That's why we're going to give you guys a break," he continued. "Yes!!" Pidge said while doing an air pump.

"But this break is only for some of you. Lance and Keith, I know that truth or dare game didn't end on a good note, but you guys need to work it out. With the way you've been acting, the team can hardly even form Voltron. That's why we're doing this," he said as he walked over to the boys.

Before they could say anything, he quickly pulled out a pair of handcuffs out from his back pocket and put it on their wrists. It had about a five foot long, blue cord. The boys looked at their hands in confusion as they scrambled to try to get it off.

"What?!?! You can't do this!!" Lance yelled as he messed with the cuff as his face turned bright red. Him, Lance fucking McClain, being handcuffed to his crush wanted to make him lose his mind.

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