Round 4: Hot Sauce, Keith's Smiles and AJR.

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(Third person point of view)

With Allura, Hunk, and Coran out of the game, Matt felt like like the questions and dares should get more personal. They should be very challenging compared to the things he's already done. Hmmm, he wondered, who would be eliminated this round? Who is he going to embarrassed? Oh, this will be fun....


The round started off on a difficult note.

"Lance, truth or dare?" 

"I'll do a truth," he said. 

"What is a part of yourself or personality that no one in this room knows?" 

"Wow, that's a hard question. Umm...I guess that I'm slightly insecure, I guess," he said. This was half of the truth.

Yes, he's insecure, but, oh boy, he is really insecure. He doubts almost every decision he makes. 

Correction, he doubts every decision he makes. And how can an insecure person constantly flirt confidently with people? Because he knows that he'll never see them again. Even if it ends horribly, it won't be his problem. It makes him seem...strong. Important.

"Really? You, out of all people, are insecure?" Keith asked in confusion. Most of the paladins' faces were confused as his. 

"Well, the computer said to say something no one knows..." he trailed off. 

"4 points for Lance."

"Pidge, truth or dare?" The computer asked. 

"I think I'll do a dare," she responded. "Eat a teaspoon of hot sauce from the fridge," it said. Pidge groaned, walked over to the fridge, got the hot sauce, and put it in the spoon. Before she could even think about stopping herself, she downed the hot sauce and started to gag. She had always hated spicy things.

"3 points for Pidge." "I ONLY GOT 3 POINTS FOR THAT?!? THIS IS RIGGED!!" She yelled as she sat back in her seat. She had gotten a cup of milk and her face was as red as the sauce she just downed.

"Shiro, truth or dare?" 

"Truth," he said without hesitation. 

"Have you ever doubted yourself as being the leader of Voltron?" The computer asked. Shiro's eyes widened a bit, but he answered very calmly. 

"Actually...yeah. I always doubt myself. I never completely know if the decisions I make are the right ones," he said.

Keith playfully hit him on the shoulder. Shiro looked up to see Keith with a wide smile. 

"Well, as you could tell, your leadership is a lot better than mine," Keith said.

This made Lance's blood boil. Keith, smiling at Shiro? He never smiles. Like, ever. He never smiles at me!! Lance thought. Anger and jealousy rose in him.

After he realized how jealous he was about something as silly as Keith's smile, his face became very red. Why was he being to possessive? And why was he being so jealous? He knew the answers to theses questions, but he still pondered.

"Keith, truth or dare?" The computer asked for what seemed to the thousandth time asked. "Dare," Keith said in his usually monotone and boring voice. No excitement, happiness, or any emotions in it. It was just...Keith's voice. 

"Sing part your favorite song to the team," it said. For anyone, this was easy, but for Keith...this was another story.

Music had always been a huge part of his life. It is the only think in his life that he can depend on. The only thing that he can trust. It is something that he could truly connect with. As they say, music can express things that words cannot. That's always been true with him.

The first thing that came to mind was 'Weak' by AJR. Of course, he could connect with the lyrics. But, he thought that he can't really sing...

"No thank you-" he started softly. Embarrassment washed over his face, but he continued. 

"-is what I should of said, I should be in bed, but, temptations, of trouble on my tongue. Troubles yet to come. One sip, bad for me. One hit, bad for me. One kiss, bad for me, but I give in so easily. And no thank you is how it should of gone. I should stay strong...but I'm weak!!"

At this point, Keith was showing a side of himself that the paladins had never seen. Keith, calling himself weak? 

Unheard of.

He was singing, no longer at a soft and hesitant voice, but now, a louder, more meaningful voice. But, he did still stare or the floor.

But this, this was amazing to Lance. Keith's voice was the most amazing thing he had ever heard. It sounded like angels. Everyone's eyes widened as Keith continued.

"And what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy, I love you when I fall for that. I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy, I love you when I fall for that. I'm weak! Oh wha, eh ya eh ya! Oh wha, eh ya eh ya! But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love you when I fall for that," he sang.

Keith stopped singing and the embarrassment got to him. He was the same shade as his jacket. 

" that enough of the song?" He stuttered out. 

He was answered with a "3 points for Keith."


He broke the eye contact from the floor that he was staring at while he sang. He looked up to see the paladins' faces filled with surprise. 

"W-w-what?" He asked. "It's a g-good song."

"No, it's not that. It's just...we would just never emagine you calling yourself weak," Allura said. 

"It's just a surprising song for you to chose to sing, that's all," Shiro chimed in. 

"Yeah! I would imagine you just singing screamo or J-Pop," Lance said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay, first off, those two genres have nothing in common. Secondly, no way do listen to screamo. And thirdly, J-Pop is awesome, but I can't really sing it. The words are hard to pronounce and it's hard to memorize," Keith said in remark. Lance just rolled his eyes and Pidge made another remark. 

"Plus, your voice is wonderful," said Allura. "T-t-thanks..." he said quietly as the computer continued.

The round continued for a while, as usual, and it was Shiro being eliminated this time and Lance having the most points. This left Lance, Pidge, and Keith. Who would become victorious? 

The fangirl, the emo spicy boi, or the space gay?

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