Moonlit Questions

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     In the dark room, a silhouette of a person sat. The silence in the air capable of driving anyone and everyone insane.

     Not even the sound of the silhouette breathing could be heard. All was silent.

     The only light streamed through the blinds, gentle white rays cast by the moon. In this little bit of light, all that was visible was the top of the desk that the silhouette sat at.

     Every couple of minutes, the sound of pencil hitting paper, broke the silence. Transferring thoughts from mind to paper, the silhouette wrote, and the words came alive, bouncing off of the walls of the room.

     "I don't understand people."

     "Why waste time on frivolous things, when one can change the world in a minute?"

     "How can humanity be so cruel?"

     "Why are people so ignorant?"

     "What happened to 'all for one and one for all'?"

     The questions swirled through the air, demanding answers.

     The silhouette covered where its ears would be, the questions with no answers rampaging in their mind.

     The questions came still, rushing around, but now, a steady chant began. The chant was quiet, almost imperceptible, but listen hard enough, and the chant becomes overpowering, blocking the rest of the noise in the room. "Why me, why me, why me, why me, why me, why me..." The chant continues, seeming to drown out the other voices.

     The silhouette stands.

     "Why me? Why torture me? Why twist my soul, squeezing all its happiness for ones own benefit? Why? Why choose me? Why point the blaming finger at me, telling me I dragged you in my life? Why paint me as the villain when you are?"

     The questions kept coming, all beginning with 'why'. Each one revealed a new pain, each demanding an answer. Each one was angry, yet sad.

     What had happened to make the questions endless? Could these be the silhouette's thoughts? If so, why were the thoughts overlapping one another, in a seemingly haunting requiem?

     What had made the thoughts form, drowning the silhouette? How can one cease those thoughts made by the silhouette?

     "Why am I a failure? Why did this have to happen to me? Why am I always the one with these problems? Why did everyone leave me?"

    The silhouette took a step, lifting an arm to their face, before dropping it again. All at once, the questions stopped, an eerie silence filling the once noisy room.

     One voice took control of the silence. "No."

     One word. The silhouette moved into the soft rays of moonlight, revealing the back of a short persons head, arms at their side, hands clenched into fists.

     "No one will control me again." Then, the world went dark, the last bit of light flickering out.

A/N~So, we have a project in english 2 where we have to work towards a goal, and at the end of the year, we have to show the whole class what we did. We're allowed to do what we want with this as long as it's school appropriate, so I was thinking of writing a collection of one shots and becoming self-published. But I was wondering if any of you might actually buy it? I took this from my other one shot book, in case anyone was wondering. 

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