Sun and Shadow

13 2 35

A/N~ i have tried, tell me what you think! also, i did character sketching for both of them with my best friend , but more about that after :3

Umbra walked around the city, completely unnoticed. It wasn't uncommon for her to not be really seen by that many people, she was a quiet and dark person. But not dark in a cynical way; she just dressed in all black and had really dark black, almost blue hair. Her eyes were silver though, and she was very pale, probably because she preferred the indoors. 

She didn't mind being alone in the city though, she was completely ok with that. She was about as introverted as a person can get, and besides, she could really only trust herself all the way, so she stopped trying to make friends, opting for a good book. Today, she was just out on a stroll, her elegant sapphire dress lifting slightly in the evening breeze, her short braided hair swaying. 

She wore black flats, because there was no way she'd wear heels in the city, and she had a cross body purse slung over her body. She ducked into a small alleyway for a little, glancing quickly over her shoulder to make sure no one followed her. 

Her silver eyes shone in the darkness of the alleyway, and she retrieved a small box from her cross body bag. The box was a maroon color, with small black geometric shapes etched into the top. Her nose wrinkled slightly as she placed the box back in her bag for the time being, and grabbed a piece of paper in its place. 

She was a celestial being, a shadow, to be exact, in the body of a human. It was why her eyes shone, why she was so pale, yet so dark. It was why she was quiet and elusive. She was a shadow living amongst the humans. 

She'd already read the paper, all it talked about was stuff she mostly already knew about, but the end caught her attention. "...Now, as I am aware, you probably already know the aforementioned information, however, please do not lose this paper. If it falls into the wrong hands, chaos can ensue. Do not open the box yet, go to Birnam Wood* and arrive at the center one minute to midnight. Hopefully, your counterpart will be there, and at the last stroke of midnight, open the boxes, but do not tell a soul what's in the box."

The paper wasn't signed, and though she was sure it was a scam, or possibly dangerous, she decided to go through with the task. She knew how to defend herself, she would be fine. Besides, Birnam Wood had a legend of being filled with magic, and this was her chance to see if the legend was true, she wasn't going to skip out on it. 

And now, she was in an alleyway, because this was the closest she could get to Birnam Wood from her house. The actual opening for the forest was on the other side of town, and she'd rather get her hands dirty than catch the bus to the other side of town. 

So, she climbed the wall. And on the other side of the alley wall, her feet landed on soft, dark green grass, and the dark wood of the tall trees loomed above. Taking a deep breath, she started walking. That forest wouldn't move on its own, after all**.

Google had told her that the forest was really big, and getting through to the other side would take at least half an hour, and right now it was just turning eleven p.m. Apparently, locating the alley to go to had taken a lot longer. 

A chill settled into her skin, though whether it came from the world or the forest was a mystery. She hesitated with her footing, daring to look back. If she could run to the alley wall without regretting it in the future, she would. But something told her that if she didn't get to the center and satisfy her curiosity, she would spend the rest of her life wandering circles in her brain, mulling over what it could possibly be.

She pressed onward, her mouth set in a stubborn line. Her fears would not deter her from her goal. When she finally reached the center, she was cold, but shivering. There was a clearing about thirty feet wide from the center point of the forest, forming a perfect circle of tree free ground. 

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