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We don't think of our shadows that often, as they are merely projections of you in the light. And as soon as you are sure that there isn't anything to fear, you begin to ignore your shadow. 

Now, they say that no one will ever know who will stay in your life. It's give or take, and if that person is meant to be in your life, than they will stick with you through thick and thin. But, that is not necessarily true. 

Sure, people can learn to accept others without stereotyping, but there's always the lingering judgment, the lingering fear that one slip up could send it all down the drain. So, no, no one will always be in your life. 

Of course, that is just a theory, I am merely drawing on my own thoughts and experiences. However, you know who will always be there for you? Your shadow. True, the shadow doesn't have a choice but to be with you through thick and thin, but being stuck with you for your whole life will mean that they know you the best. 

And while you cannot feel the presence of the shadow, it is there. You see, on planet Earth, you can't really trust anyone but yourself. It's you against the world. At least, that's the way it is for me. 

It's me against the world. I do have the occasional passer by who I become close to, but right as I begin to open up, they leave, and I shrink into myself again. I haven't found the right person yet, I suppose. 

But, sitting here on this lovely evening, the light dwindling into a deep blue, the sky painted pink and orange, I can't help but theorize about shadows. Why are they even here to begin with? It would be simple just to not add them in the first place, yet there they are, flat as ever, living in a 2-D universe that is immediately under ours, not parallel because we see them. 

But they don't necessarily do anything, so am I possibly overlooking the whole matter? Or am I not even scratching the surface? In any case, it would be hard to find out what shadows are doing in their own universe. 

The stars are barely visible tonight, though I know that there are billions of them in the sky. Pollution has taken a toll on our planet, and I hate it. How could it possibly be affecting our shadows? I wonder what it would be like if we could go back to the days before the Industrial Revolution, before we started using factories. The impact we are making to our planet would not go away, this is for sure, but perhaps with time, our planet could heal and get better again. 

Oh, the people during those times did not take full advantage of what they had. They could see the night sky clearly. Their shadows were bolder, the air was clearer, and their hearts were lighter. 

Shadows have it easy, in my opinion. They don't have to worry about much, because they are merely projections of you from the sun, tethered to you for as long as you may live. It truly is weird. 

A/N~I don't have any ideas anymore, can someone recommend something please?

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