Waltz of Worry

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It was the Waltz of Worry, a dance she was so familiar with that she could dance it with her eyes closed; seeing as almost everything worried her, the past, the present, and the future, she was closely acquainted with the seemingly never-ending dance. 

Some would assume that having danced this dance as often as she had, that she would despise the waltz. And yet, she couldn't bring herself to hate it. The music was too elegantly dark, the ballroom for the waltz gleaming with its white walls and golden brown floors. 

The song consisted primarily of cello, seeing as the deep, warm tones of the instrument could first invoke a warm feeling inside. There was a creeping of violin in it, high pitched and worried in tone, as though fleeing from some unseen danger. 

The song always managed to make her heart beat with worry, and true to form, it did so now, as she worried of the future once more. 

Standing up with a sigh, she took her place in the middle of the desolate ballroom, the music started up, no orchestral ensemble needed as it seemed the music floated from thin air. 

As she raised her arms ever so slightly, she began to dance the Waltz of Worry.

A/N~ haven't updated this in a l o n g while, so don't mind this. 

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