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Dear world,

From a young age, you forced me and my siblings to grow up faster than the rest.

You forced us to gain tongues as sharp as a knife.

Because if we were to survive, we had to outsmart the rest. and by God, we wouldn't be able to do that if we had no sass, no witty comebacks, no arguments. 

I hold a vendetta against the people, not the Earth. The people forced stereotypes onto my sisters and I before we were even five years old each. 

And my poor parents had to watch from the sidelines, terrified of the war their children were pushed into and not being able to stop any of it.

So they raised us to be proud of who we were, and they taught us to stand up for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our beliefs. 

I really didn't have any sort of encounter that I was aware that somebody was doing or saying something racist, until my eighth grade year. After that, my guard was up, my mind always on high alert.

Anyone who said something remotely racist to me was shut down immediately, rebutted into the depths of mortification. I wasn't afraid to yell, and it seems as though my teachers during that year turned a blind eye—as well as a blind ear—to my shouting. 

And perhaps that is why people begin to think I tend to overreact, and why they tend to believe that I've got nothing but hot air in my head.

And it's proven to be impossible to prove to them that I'm so far beyond smart that I could be considered a genius of sorts. All that mattered to them was that my temper was short and that I was ready to snap at anyone who stepped out of line. 

People, I write this to you not with the intent of blaming all of you for the years of my childhood that I lost. I blame you for making me have to watch my younger sisters grow up with the knowledge that me and my older sisters did. I blame you for making my parents miserable because they had no control over what people thought. 

But I blame two people in particular for making me suffer this last year more than I have before. These people, these "friends" as I called them. They seemed to think that they could be sugary sweet to me for a little while and then walk all over me. 

And I blame you, people, for letting them do that. I blame them for my lost sense of security. 

But I also blame me. I blame me for not noticing before. I blame myself for not gaining the upper hand sooner than they could. I blame myself for thinking I had finally found people that would support me.

However, I blame the people of this world more than I blame myself. I am not completely in the wrong here, and I will continue to blame the people of this world for ruining how I view all of you. 



A/N~ hey i wrote another, however this one is not a poem. its just a letter. and to understand this letter, you'll have to read my rant book, the chapter called Snapchat Rants is where it will be. Thats where i got the idea for this one. Again, comment suggestions and comment your thoughts. 

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