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"Sweet as chocolate, sour as lime." I muttered under my breath, zipping up the case which held my instrument. 

"Hurt me once, I'll kill you twice." I continued, lifting the case and gripping it with my left hand, slinging my backpack over my right shoulder. I walk briskly to the lockers for instruments, and slide mine into good old locker fifty four, shutting it after emptying other school supplies that I don't need. 

"Love me true, that's all I want you to do." I whispered, glancing quickly over my shoulder. I didn't want anyone to hear me saying this stuff, they'd get worried when there really is nothing wrong. Well, not everything is wrong. Nonetheless, I don't need anyone working about me, that would only make things worse.

This time last year, I was in love with a person, floating high like a bubble in the sky, feeling amazing because they liked me back, and now, I stand alone, broken hearted as I try to piece myself back together. Everything still hurt, it will until I like someone else, that's how my body works. Then, everything will go away and I will be fine. 

But, I have closed my own heart off, and though the dull aches of pain and heartbreak still make my heart pound against its entanglements, it makes no attempt to set itself free. Once a heart that beat to the tune of a wondrously joyful tune, it now beats to a tune of a solo violin crying over its sadness. And now, I fear that I cannot set it free, as it is merely too entangled to be set free. 

I have hardened myself to the heartfelt feelings of love, not wanting to hurt anymore. I do not think that anyone can set it free. I walk back to the rehearsal room, and put back some chairs and stands that others have neglected, my mind thick with thoughts. 

Afterwards, I stand in a corner away from everyone else and stare at the doorway, deep in thought. The sound of thunder startles me out of my thoughts. When had it started to rain? Oh well, it matches my mood, sad and dreary, a canvas of gray covering the sky above it. 

The bell rings, and I shake my head, in an effort to clear my head from these suffocating thoughts. I have to stop thinking like that, I have a future to look forward to, I have dreams, and goals. I may not be able to find my true love, the one who will stick with me through thick and thin, no matter what happens, but I still have a future, right? 

Suddenly, I bump into someone, and I'm knocked to the ground. I shake my head, already blaming myself, but feeling angry at this person. I stand up and brush myself off, glaring down at myself, before raising my gaze to my offenders face. He was tall, brown hair with darker brown eyes. "Watch where you're going, bozo. I know I'm short, but I still exist." I spat, huffing and walking away from him. 

"Sweet as chocolate—" I start. It's a method that helps me to calm down. It's weird, but it works. Every time I find myself feeling like I'm losing control, I add more phrases to it, so now it has become one mass of weird lyrics, I suppose. 

"—Bitter as lime." A voice quipped from behind me. 

My anger vanished away, replaced with shock. "Hurt me once and I'll kill you twice. Love me true, that's all I want you to do." We say in unison, finishing the other two lines. 

I feel my eyes widen. How did this person know my rhymes? Unless....

Was this my 'other half'?

A/N~Im not too proud of this one, i don't know how I feel about it.

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