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Stuck in the lonely walls of her stone tower, she felt sick. As though someone kept punching her stomach. And then, overcoming that sick feeling, was strength. Strength ebbed, flowed, and filled her. No one would be allowed to do this to her ever again. She wouldn't be stepped on.

Climbing the stairs to the roof, she walked with determination. Once reaching the top, she built some more walls, higher than they were before. High enough to reach the clouds. She built a ledge for her to sit on at the top, and dangled her legs over the edge. For just a moment, she caught a glimpse of a smaller tower, and felt sadness for the person. She wanted to talk to them.

But then, the tower was gone, and she was alone again, her long, deep blue dress fluttering in the wind. Then, night fell. She curled up on the ledge, shaking from cold, as she stared at the sunset, and eventually at the stars as the twinkled in the sky.

Her breath came out in billowy puffs, her nose most likely pink. Sleep tugged at her eyes, begging her to fall into it's blissfully dark oblivion. But she refused. Wanting to watch the night pass, she lay there, lips turning blue, and the tips of her fingers numb. Her teeth clattered, her skull shook, trying to warm up, but she didn't mind. She let herself lay there, freezing. Laying there, in the freezing cold, she felt as though it was cleaning her soul. She always felt that the cold was cathartic, cleansing.

When it felt as though her body was going to freeze to the ground, she got up. She went back into her tower and wandered around aimlessly. Finally deciding she had made herself cold enough, she lit a fire in the fireplace and sat by it, warming up her finger tips.

She fell asleep by the fire, and the next morning, she awoke, with an uncomfortable feeling in her neck. The day was warm and bright, so, she decided to venture out her tower. As the only way out was from the top, no one would know how to get inside the mysterious tower unless they had seen her, or was her. She skillfully climbed down the tower, after many years of practice, and continued her voyage.

Taking slow, cautious steps forward, she slowly got to a used pathway. She turned back and looked at her tower, which seemed to loom over her protectively. Glancing at the path, she knew from years of tower watching, people would walk the path, and look at her tower. They would never get too far, finding the correct footing and not knowing where to go next. The thought that no one would be able to climb up and keep her company saddened her. Nonetheless, she decided to return to her tower; she didn't want to be hurt.

When it felt as though her body was going to freeze to the ground, she got up. She went back into her tower and wandered around aimlessly. Finally deciding she had made herself cold enough, she lit a fire in the fireplace and sat by it, warming up her finger tips.

She fell asleep by the fire, and the next morning, she awoke, with an uncomfortable feeling in her neck. The day was warm and bright, so, she decided to venture out her tower. As the only way out was from the top, no one would know how to get inside the mysterious tower unless they had seen her, or was her. She skillfully climbed down the tower, after many years of practice, and continued her voyage.

Taking slow, cautious steps forward, she slowly got to a used pathway. She turned back and looked at her tower, which seemed to loom over her protectively. Glancing at the path, she knew from years of tower watching, people would walk the path, and look at her tower. She didn't want to be hurt anymore and so she would stay high up in her tower, peering down at those on the ground, those who clustered with one another, their harmonies laughters carried to her perch by the wind. 

When it came down to it, perhaps she was better off without friends anyways. In the past, they had only hurt her, she had had to endure blow after blow to her self esteem, which hadn't even been that high at the time.

At some point, she had changed into a dark red floor length dress, which contrasted wonderfully with her pale skin tone. She walked up the stairs to the top of her tower, continuing to mull over past friendships she had decided to sever. 

In her tenth grade year, she was friends with two juniors. She had felt really close to them. They hung out weekly without her, never bothering to invite her along. And it hadn't fully hit her until halfway through summer break, her mood became angry and sad, like the lightning and thunder storms she had grown up with. 

The raindrops were her tears, the thunder and lighting her anger, and the dark grey clouds her gloomy mood. It had finally fully hit her just how excluded all her friends made her. She was never invited to parties, never invited to the mall, or to the movies. 

So when school started, she decided to stop talking to those people, the ones who made her feel worthless. She found one person who was her best friend, they clicked immediately, and after a little while, felt as though they'd been friends since birth. 

She trusted this person with her whole being, but that didn't mean her insecurities would change. Her stone tower still stayed her stone tower, but now it wasn't just her in there, stuck in a lonely world. She finally had someone else to spend her days with. 

And the tower shrunk.

A/N~ welllllllp, yeah. I originally wrote this sometime last summer, but i decided i would remodel it. So heres the finished thing!

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