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Sometimes, I long for a hurricane to pass through the U.S.A. I want it to be so strong that it wipes the crimes of my state away. I want the hurricane to cleanse this place of all the bad that has happened.

Am I selfish to want that? Am I selfish to want my state to be destroyed because I cannot go to sleep at night with the thought of all that happens in this place lingering through my mind and tainting all my dreams? Am I selfish to want to be able to write about how I grew up here, the blazing sun heating my head, shining all through the day, only to say that once I grew up, I realized what a messed up place it really is?

All it really took was a little bit of an eye opener. One instance caused me to open my eyes and see that this world is one trial after another. There's a person I know who claims to know how to read Arabic without actually learning how to read it. Already, this sounds fake, but they also said they've read the Qur'an, or Koran if you don't know, and said they saw some "pretty violent things." That's very old dialect, hardly any Muslims can grasp it on their own, and Muslim scholars spend so much of their life to memorize it. There is no way a person who doesn't know the dialect can read the language.

If the world were to end tomorrow, there is no way that wallowing in our sorrow would get us close to saving the day. No doubt, that would probably be one of the first reactions, but I believe everyone has a reservoir of untapped potential to save the day. And that, my friends, is where the road splits into two. 

All the strength we need is inside, but we can't let a moment pass by, not even in those all time lows where it really does feel as though the world will end. As it has been stated before in this book, life is like a symphony, an orchestra that plays, one that doesn't rest until the heart stops its beating, the metaphorical metronome being stopped. 

Sure, we have our grand pauses, or those times that feel so boring that music wouldn't be able to be created, but it is always there. Even during those moments. 

The world is a broken place, and we are a long way until the world is fixed again, but each person has to do their part. The small things that you don't think would matter, matters a whole lot to someone else. One protest sparks a change. One opinion can spark a change. One voice can spark a change. 

Some people in this life will never know how the real world is. For some people, everything will be handed to them on a silver platter. Love, fame, fortune, anything their heart desires, they'll get, simply because they don't know what it is like to have to suffer through the actual world. But for the rest of us, we have to work hard. And at the end of the day, I personally would rather work hard to get what I want. 

We all have the potential to be the best leader the world has ever seen. We all have the potential to be a hero. It just depends on if you are willing to take action. Me? I'm ready. I'm ready to go and do what I need to do to get somewhere in life. 

Even as a young child, though I knew what I was going to do with my life, I never thought I would get this far. I didn't take myself as the smart one, but I knew that I wasn't the dumb one, either. I would never allow myself to think I'm dumb. And now that some people think that I am, It makes me outraged. 

So, I don't understand some things that happen in class. So what if I have to ask a couple of questions, or sit one on one with the teacher to understand? I'm doing what I need to do to reach my long term goal. 

I always wondered what I'd do if I were in the situation of a school shooting, or if my house was being robbed. I would never claim to be a hero, that I knew for sure. But even though these are morbid thoughts for a young child, it never hurts to be prepared. I like to imagine that I would immediately jump into action, but that probably wouldn't happen; I'd freeze up instead.  

One thing is for sure though. If no one is going to stand by me and help me fix the world, I'm going to have do it my own. Because I'm sick and tired of waiting for someone in office to do their job and make the world a better place, so it's up to us, the citizens, to do something. 

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