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I believe that musicians see the world differently. Everything in life can be turned to song. Hans Christian Anderson once said, "When words fail, music speaks." In this way, it becomes apparent that all musical scores that composers have written are written with emotion. 

In this way, when we hear people playing these scores, we hear the players' own emotions. Whether it be a singer, or a violin player, music can in fact convey the feelings a person feels. This is how I like to spend my days, mulling over the thought of life merely being a musical score. 

As William Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players..." And with any stage, music lies within the cracks in the walls. 

On this stage we call Earth, sits a girl. Her head filled with fantasies, questions, and everything in between, she types away at a computer, music streaming in her ears through headphones. Every few seconds, she lost herself in the music. The lyrics to the song always managed to whisk her away on the notes and meaning of the song. But she always managed to root herself to typing again, tapping the keys on the computer. 

Life for her had been hard recently, and writing was a form of escape for her. Writing was the only way she could truly be herself; the only time the metaphorical mask could come off, and her raw emotions could be expressed in full rather than tucked away. She was a skilled writer this way, each of her characters different than the next, yet similar to her. 

Alas, like all actually good authors, she was yet to be noticed, but at this point in time, she was okay with that. She was appreciative of who followed her, even if they didn't always read her books. 

Her fingers stalled, her face tensed in contemplation. What was going on in her head? She lifted her hands off the keyboard, looking away from the screen. 

No words were said aloud, there were none to convey the amount of pain on her face. She looked around the room, noting that no one noticed her facial expression. A sigh emitted from her lips, and she rested her fingers on the keyboard again, contemplating what to write next. 

If we look back on how music can be related to life, right now this girl would be a sorrowful song, perhaps a deep sorrowful chord played through a violin. If you listen closely, you may even be able to hear the strains of her soul emitting this music. A lot of impacting things must have caused this sorrow that plagued her. 

She was back to typing, pushing away the sorrow, and trying to replace it with a happier tune instead. However, if not careful enough, the two tones of happy and sad chords will crash together, creating a jagged discord, which could be dangerous. 

She stopped, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, resting her head on the couch cushion. Her shoulders relaxed as she mused over the past, plucking out the bad memories so she could visit the good ones only. 

But the jagged music remained, implying that their was a memory she was unable to get rid of. Her eyes flew open as she furrowed her brows, attempting to get rid of the memory. 

Perhaps this was what created the jagged discord. 

Suddenly, the 'normal' world spun away, replaced with a black room. A giant screen lit up the room as various pictures flicked through, each staying up long enough to see the picture in full detail. Messages that started off soft and loving on both sides turned rough and jagged on the repliers part. The person who we see this through the point of view of, their messages are confused and pained, unsure of what is going on. 

We get flashed forward to the normal world again, and the girl now is staring in the distance, her hand in her hair. She appears to be confused, not sure of what to do. questions swarm in her eyes, pain lacing through each one. Ah, so that was what plagued her. 

It was no use trying to touch her, to comfort her. We are trapped behind a glass window, able to see, but unable to help. 

She shakes her head, glancing at the computer screen, and begins to type again, her fingers flying around the keyboard. You can tell by the surge of emotions on her face that she's putting her all in it. 

The music of her soul changes to a more determined song, and we know that she isn't about to give up, not even close. She was going to fight her way through life. She was going to expose the person who betrayed her to the whole world and give the persona  taste of their own medicine. 

See? Everything can be summed up in musical terms, it just depends on how you perceive the world. 

A/N~Ok guys, probably not my best one shot, but oh well. My head hurts, and I typed up an essay for english 2 while listening to the SpongeBob musical, so cut me some slack. But seriously, I think once you're in the music life, once you've been studying music for several years, I think it tends to change they way each individual perceives the world, not necessarily in a good/bad way, but in a "Oh, well this could be like movement [letter] in [famous composers name] because in this part of the music, it sounded really [emotion]." And once you start seeing the world that way, it becomes much easier to solve your problems. I'm gonna be honest, as a musician with many years "under her belt," I tend to play better when I'm overcome with emotion. Like, if I'm feeling extremely energetic, and a piece of music is supposed to be played energetically, than that's the piece to play. Same with sad, mad, and so on and so forth. Um, I think I've dragged this on for a long time now, but like, my beliefs are just very detailed I suppose. But yeah, I prefer the way I view the world rather than being an optimist/pessimist. I'll try to update again tomorrow, electronically and not paper wise. Um, I can also type up the written versions also if you'd all like that. So, just let me know, I guess. 

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