Chapter 10

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**Grace H POV**

It was white. I opened my eyes.

They didn't just flutter open, no. My eyes bolted open and I took in a big breath.

It was silent, until I heard beeping.

I had a sheet over my head. I took it off quickly and looked over saw a monitor, an IV in my arm, and my left wrist bandaged. No one was here. Was I dead?

I hit the nurses button. A nurse came in wide eyed. She threw her hand on her mouth.

"Doctor! Doctor!" She yelled running away.

'Thanks for the help' I mumbled to myself. The doctor came running in his eyes widened. I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows.

"How are you alive?" He asked. I could only stare at him in confusion.

"You were pronounced dead 20 minutes ago." He said wide eyed. My eyes went big and I tried to take it all in. I was dead? How am I alive then? This must be a dream!

I pinched myself. Ow, yep. I was alive. This wasn't a dream.

"Where is my husband and friends?" I managed to say.

"They left 10 minutes ago after we told them you were dead." He shook his head and looked at my papers.

"C-can I leave? I'm bandaged and I feel alright." I said shaking my head in approval.

He looked over his papers again. He nodded.

"How long have I been here?" I asked while he was taking my IV out.

"Since yesterday at around 7:00 or 8:00pm."

"What time is it now?" I asked confused. He looked at his watch.

"10 til 11:00." He said smiling. I carefully stood up. I was balanced. I walked to the door with my arm wrapped. I felt for my phone.

It was charging at home. I groaned. I jumped in a taxi and began to head home.

**Niall POV**

I held her hand in the hospital. She was un conscious and she wasn't responding to anything. Her heart was still beating but, nothing from her.

"Grace, please. Stay alive, I'm nothing without you." I sobbed. The others were in the room. Hanging their hands crying as well.

I sat there. And waited. I fell asleep holding her cold hand.

*next day*

I woke up at 10:20am. The others were awake waiting.

"Wake up." I shoved Grace. She looked so pale and lifeless. "Please!" I said sobbing. I hung my head.

All I had left was hope and that her heart would keep beating and that the monitor would keep beeping.







The monitor stopped. I saw her take her last breath and her chest stopped moving up and down.

"NO." I cried out. "YOU CANT BE GONE, YOU CANT BE." I sobbed onto her bed.

"Let's go..." I heard Liam say wiping tears away. I let go of Graces hand and the doctor put the sheet over her head.

"M-my Princess I-is gone..." I choked on my words. I left the room trying to hang my head up. 'She is in a better place'. I dropped my head.

'But she's without me.' I sobbed harder thinking about it. I got in my car and drove home more depressed than ever.

I finally got home and I walked into the kitchen. I sighed and began sobbing quietly. I got a rag and washed up Graces blood on the floor.

How am I going to tell Courtney her Mum is dead? She will be home at 4:00pm.

I just wanted to be with Grace.

Its not easy (sequel to Why Not?)Where stories live. Discover now