Chapter 1

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You didn't know why you wanted to go to Galaxy Garrison when you were younger. You didn't even know what type of thing they did there. But you had seen the name, and ever since that day on the train on the way to primary school at the age of 7, you had made it your decision to go there. You had studied hard. Before then you were quiet the popular girl, everyone liked you because you done nothing and loved everything. You where the center of attention. That had changed very quickly. You became opinionated, your selection of friends closed to a small few. Soon those friends had left and turned away. Leaving you on your own. But did you care? Not really. Not when you had the ranked the highest test results in Australia for your age. Not when your life was going to plan.

But things change don't they? Your views change as your grow up. The feeling of wanting to go to the Galaxy Garrison had stayed, but you had changed. It had all happened when your father had died on an oil rig. You had only been finishing primary school and taking your test for the Garrison when you had been called out of school. You had never really seen your father much, only really talked to him when he called or when he Skyped, or if you were lucky, he would come over for the holidays and spend some time with you. It was a family friend that had picked you up and taken you to your mother, who was suffering from breast cancer. It was said that she wouldn't last little over a month.

That would leave you an orphan. You had attended both there funerals. Two in a month. After your fathers death, your mother had died about 2 Weeks earlier than expected. You knew it was from heart break, the doctors thought otherwise. It was the cancer, sweetie. You had been taken in by your father ex-wife. Stacey. She was lovely. Stern and made to many rules, but it had suited you. You didn't want to go out and party, or go out and socialize after 10 when you could be inside watching the latest TV episode of your favourite TV show.

That's what changed. Motivation. You couldn't bring yourself to look at a piece of text. It reminded of your Fathers kind face, lined with age and laughter lines in the corner of his mouth. It reminded you of a dream of getting your mother recovered, even though everyone knew it was too late when it had been spotted. So you had stopped studying, and you had started more lounging in your bed with a piece of food in hand with your laptop open. You had gotten lazy. You didn't attend Galaxy Garrison like you thought you were going to do, instead you worked full time at a local market. Well that's what it was called 'The Local Market', it sold things from the smallest nut and bolt to equipment such as old science tech. In your spare time you painted and sold those as well. You didn't believe you were any good, but some thought otherwise. So just to keep those few happy you had continued-

A voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Excuse me. Have you seen a boy about this tall?", it was a lady, kind looking with soft brown eyes and with dark wavy hair. She had her hand just below her hip to indicate size. "He's small and wearing azul?", You could hear a Cuban accent in her voice and thankfully you regonized the word for blue in spanish. From behind her a little girl came running around the corner, she looked very much like her mother. She ran in between her mother's skirts as she looked up at you shyly."No I haven't sorry. Would you like me to go over the intercom?", You asked, the lady smiled and looked down at her daughter who began speaking in Spanish "Lance me molesta, mamá" her mother ignored her. Maybe she's not her mother dickweed, stop assuming.

"If you would please?", she beamed at you. You turned back towards the phone, thinking of anything other than something embarrassing to say. 'Can a boy wearing blue please come up to the 1 check out, your mother's looking or you.'

"Mamá, lo he encontrado" a boys voice spock, the woman turned and scowled him. You looked up and saw the boy that had spoken. He wasn't much older than you. With blue eyes and brown hair, you could only describe him as a complete flirt. He caught your eye and gave you a grin. You done him a one over. Hmm not your type. Attractive, but more boyish than you care to admit. "The names Lance", Yep, you thought, he was a complete and utter flirt. Back in the old days you would have flirted back, even if he wasn't your type.

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