Chapter 2

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Quite a bit later....

The day of Shiro's rescue.

You felt your hair whip in your face as your cars windows went down, the cold air rising the hairs on your neck and sending goosebumps up your arms. It was unnecessary really, to have the windows down when the aircon was on, but sometimes you liked the feeling of the sting when your hair was in your eyes and the feeling of your cheeks going numb from the forceful cold. 37 degrees, a measurement that you used back home in Australia, but had the decency for the Americans to convert it to Fahrenheit 98.6. It was a very hot day, but the shade provided from the mountainous hills, combined with the moving air, gave it an almost spring quality with it.

The Garrison came into view. It was a massive building, it had always made your heart thrum with unknown energy. Fear? Excitement? Panic? All of them combined to make it feel like you were going to be sick. At that moment you felt that energy. People were outside, milling around for outside drills. Ther uniform a sight for sore eyes. You waved to a few who were on a little run, sweating trickling down there backs as they pushed themselves beyond what they could. They glared at you as you gave a little greeting from your cars horn. Probably first years. They had never felt justified during training exercises and drills.

A few people meet you outside the entrance point, their neat uniforms, without a single bloody crease, made them look intimidating and unkind. Much of what Commander Iverson looked like, actually. Hoping out of the car, you hoped that they wouldn't take in your creased dirty work uniform as they usually did. You had been called in early to clean the restrooms that the market provided. Hmm, maybe that will help you get a pay rise? But, you thought with some twinge of sadness, that your boss Debby wasn't that willing to let go of the money. You gave them a friendly smile, of which nobody returned. Right protocol. Even low salaries like yourself have got the respect that they were taught. Somewhere inside you, you hoped that Lance wouldn't turn into that. His bravo would be sorely missed, and his mother would dislike the change. She'd probably say something in Spanish, a language that Lance had been trying to teach you. But, you noted again sourly, I only knew thank you and even then you had doubts about getting it wrong. But even if you had, Lance's caring mother would still smile and welcome you into her home and cook you a lovely meal. God she was a good cook.

You forced yourself out of your thoughts, it wouldn't look good to be distant on the same premises as Commander Iverson. Tucking your deliveries under you arm, and a bag full of objects slung over your shoulder. You made your way into the Garrison. It was full like always. Cadets ran to and from their classes. Laughter bubbled across the corridors as teachers hurried them along. That's when you spotted Lance. He was laughing and carrying on, Hunk was at his arm just agreeing with every word said. Pidge, a new member of the growing 'squad' as Lance liked to call it, was looking grouchy as he pouted, his eyes down cast.

Hunk was the first person to see you. He tugged at Lance's arm and pointed in your direction. The smile on Lance's face doubled as his eyes made contact with yours. He pushed his way towards you, completely ignoring looks other cadets gave him. "Y/N!", he called as he waved his hands widely. He was a complete embarrassment. He embraced you into a hug. "It's been awhile", he flashed you a smile as he pulled away. "To bad that I can't see you for long. We've got a simulation test!", Lance could only be described as glowing. Wait don't only pregnant woman glow? Or is that a stereotype.

"That's okay. I've got to drop these off to one of the teachers, maybe I'll drop by later. You never know when Debby wants something delivered", you explained as you winked. Lance always wanted favors from you. Lance gave a charming grin to a girl walking past. He gave you a nod to indicate he was listening though. You elbowed him. With a look of fake hurt Lance trained his eyes on you. "You don't need to flirt with every girl you see, Lance. Just because you're male and make it known that you are single and ready to mingle doesn't mean that every girl doesn't know that you are. Jeez I swear you are always flirting. Just turn that flirting key off in your ignition for once and maybe you might get a willing girl", he scoffed at you. But you could see the message hitting home. His bravo went down for a moment. "So you all good with sneaking out tonight-", your eyes caught a familiar figure striding towards you. Commander Iverson. You raised your hand in salute, nearly everyone did.

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