Chapter 18

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Okay, so Pidge is a girl, like dress long haired girl. Sorry if you're all into the genderfluid Pidge, but I think it goes with the plot quiet well with her being what she was before her father, brother and Shiro disappeared on that mission. It will be explained throughout the chapter as you, the person, figure this along the way. 


You had slept very little that night. Your thoughts turning over everything that had happened. Your mother had eventually stopped crying and had caught you up with everything. Your father no longer worked on the rig but at the small local factory as an HR, while your mother's cancer had been caught in time, apparently your coma status had scared everyone because everyone was checked up regularly... everything was okay. It hadn't been a very vivid dream, but a nightmare. The nurse, Mrs- no-Ms now had told your parents that she would be able to get some company in for you. She had a daughter, a few years younger, that was just as lonely as you was and would be more than happy to help. You could almost sense the mum lie that nearly everyone mum told. 'Yes she would love to help.' or 'No we're all busy this weekend so it's not a great time to throw a party child', while in truth you didn't want to help and your family weren't busy. Ms. Holt had thrown her daughter into a situation that she possibly didn't want to be in. Your mind reeled, it's thoughts going haywire. 

Would Pidge know? Did she even go by Pidge? Or was it just Katie now? You reflected again, this time thinking that Ms Holt was no longer a Mrs. meaning Pidge's dad was dead. Samuel Holt had died on the mission perhaps? A knock came at the door. It was 5 o'clock in the morning, not even the morning staff were up and about. 

"Can I come in or are you like staring at the door having some weird apparitions?" You jumped at the familiar voice. Pidge. Katie. Whatever she was called in this life. A girl popped her head into the room. Katie was staring back at you. It definitely was not Pidge, as she wore her hair long and had a dress on. She smiled at you. 

"Ah. No. I was just-" You were about to say something that would have made you sound weird, like 'going to say that you look very girly today, did Lance make you wear it?' "-who are you?" Katie stepped into the room as she gave you a look that only suggested guilt. It was then that you saw that Pidge didn't have glasses, of course Matt didn't need him, but it also meant that Matt hadn't gone on that damn mission. How did Katie's father die? 

"Sorry. Should've explained myself earlier. I'm Katie Holt, mother said that you needed company."

"Nurse Holt's daughter?"

"Hmmm. Smart you are." Katie mimicked in a voice that was like Yoda but not Yoda. 

"Seriously Star Wars?" you emphasised the word. So apparently Katie was still a nerd, which didn't surprise you. 

"Not your genre of choice? Cause that's all I've got on this." She held up her laptop, a smiling dancing on her features. 

"No it's fine. Seriously." Katie's eyes squinted. 

"You seem awfully fine for someone who has just come out of a coma."

"I've had all night to digest it all." You commented while thinking back on all the things you had thought about. 

"No sleep?"

"I've been asleep for 17 years." 

"Hmm I wish I could." Katie stated dreamily. she plopped herself onto the chair. 

"Why 5 in the morning?" You asked, trying to dampen your curiosity. 

"Mother said that you won't be able to sleep. Also she works morning shifts sometimes, so I decided to come in when she did." Katie made a gesture. 'Anyway I thought it might save you from boredom. You know..." Katie stopped talking as she thought and her phone vibrated in her pocket. Who else was away at the ungodly hour? "...may I?" she gestured to her phone and with a nod she took it out of her pocket. "Matt what do you want?" Katie asked, her voice faking exhaustion. She agreed a few times,went quiet and then agreed again. Not 2 minutes after answering Katie hung up. "Sorry big brother wants to prank his flatmate."

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