Chapter 8

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3 years earlier....

The small house stood squat against the bank of which is was placed upon. Your dog, who was now 16 years of age and only beginning to look like it, wagged his tail. 16 was an old age for a dog and everyday you hoped that maybe she would last another day, your mother had called the dog Red, but as you hadn't liked the name you had called her Carah. The vestlia pounched on the nearest patch of long grass, her sense of smell had never left her, even when her eye sight was. The shape of a the red dog raced through the long grasses as you made your way over to the house where your step mother, Stacey was leaning against the porch. A child rraced through her skirst as she preferrred skirts of any pants. Your step brother, Calum was only going on 5, with a father who hadn't been named or mentioned. He raced to you and grabbed at the bag for some grip. He was grinning and laughing as he took you into his embrace.Carah quickly went into the house, searching for signs of food that maybe had left on the floor. Stacey coughed to grap your attention, “Yes Stacey?”, you asked. In your mind it had always been step mother, or mother but in verbal conversation it had always been Stacey. Stacey didn;t seem to mind. Not that she wouldn't have voiced her concerns anyway. “How was school?”, you rinkled your nose,

“Can I ask to stop school and work full time at the market?”,

“We'll discuss it later. Not now. You have some chores to do, the chickens need feeding and the sheep in the shed. Shiro is helping, said that Dr. Samual Holt wanted him out and about. Offered to help here”, you nodded slowly. Your brother grinned and finally let you go from his grasp as he raced away into the house to follow Carah. “Okay. What time are you starting?”,

“Early morning. Be up kiddo. I don't want to have to get you up with my pots and pans”, she turned away from the porch and limped over to the stables. Most years the stables would be full. Your step mother owned a riding trekk, it was popular among the town but had steadly decreased as the town became desterted. She had a limp on her from an accident, years ago. Fell off her horse and broke her leg badly, apparently she didn't even go to hospital to get it fixed. Instead her father had re-broken it, set it and bandaged it... anyway that was what you had been told. “Y/N!”, your brothers voice wailed, you sighed as you turned towards the house, “I have to feed the animals Calum”, your borhter raced out. “Carah's not moving”, he sobbed as he beackoned you through the door. You hadn't even realized you had started running. Blood. And then screams.

You awoke, the sheets tangled around your frame as you pulled them off of you. The clothes that seemed to wash and be returned where already on the small beside table. The night clothes you wore, also borrowed from Allura were to big and when you had nightmare like this, were always twisted and sweaty. Voltron's first fight with the Galran empire had already happened, and nightmare had happened since. Blood. Paints. Stars and screams had haunted the dream scap of everything that seemed to exist for you. You had even felt more tired from the lack of sleep, since you had felt even more eshausted after you slept. Grimancing as the floor swayed underneath you, you made your way to the itchens where a drink was in dire needed to be drinken. No one was around, Hunk would be in bed, as would Lance, Keith who cared and who knew, Shiro would most likely trying to get into shape and Pidge would be teching his way through life. That left you. Always sleeping but never resting. The words that Shiro had spoken still rung through your mind like it was on repeat and was being hammered into your skull. ' Defenders of the Universe, huh? That's got a nice ring to it'. Yeah and what were you? The Defender of the Chair that Probably has a Butt Imprint on it Now you thought sourly, or maybe, The Defender of No Sleep, but yet again that could be Pidge as he constantly was again, teching his way through life and had no time for sleep but had time for answers and figuring out algorithms. Taking slow sips you thought for a moment, brefore it was inturrpted by a loud blaring noise. You almost dropped your drink. An attack? Again? You knew they probably had no need for you but you went anyway as you made your way to the Control Room. You meet Shiro on the way, in full armor. He grinned at you, “Couldn't sleep, Y/N?”, he asked, his breath only coming out in light puffs. You made a face, “Who needs sleep. Only mortals and weaklings”, he snorted in response as you bother rounded the corner. Pidge was already there, rubbing his eye sleepily, like you had said. Defender of No Sleep. Keith had his arms folded over his chest, a look of complete bordem resting there. Coran was on the ground, looking like he was trying to reneact a scene from a drama tv show on earth. Allura looked horrified, or maybe just displeased. Hunk came in only moments later. “Coran” Allura grumpled, as she made eye contact with the gathered paladins”Oh, yes, Princess, I'm listening”,

“It's over”,

“Oh. I know! If only Voltron had been formed. Oh! Time!, he exclaimed, Allura looked very displeased as she looked down at the paladins. Not for he first time you felt ike you were intruding. Shiro looked bored and slighlty like a burst boot. “I guess this isn't an actual attack”,

“And it's a good think is wasn't because it took you... Coran?”, she turned to the older Altean who looked almost guilty, “Sevently five degree... oh..”, the small timer went off, “Sorry, No this is a meat thermometer”, he assured us, Allura again didn't look impressed,

“However long it was, it was too long. You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon. Look at you!”, sshe looked over them, her eyes caught yours and your throat tightened. ' Only Shiro is in uniform. Keith, Pidge, Hunk, where are your bayards? And where is Lance? Y/N is even more prepared. Dressed and ready-”, the door opened and Lance appeared. You sighed, as you saw a shiny, but yet very clear face. Lance had obviously found something to continue with his beauty routiune. “Good morning everybody. What's going on?”, he asked as he stepped in beside you. You gave him alook. Allura looked arpund agitated, her eyes moving acorss the poeple that were meant to be Defenders of the Universe. She must really be reconsidering. “Coran and I have been up for hours getting the Castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms, and we decided to test you as well. Guess which on failed”, she stated angrily, you grinned at Shiro. Glad to not be in the princess wrath. Hunk began to speak, his voice sluggish and tired. “You got to sleep for 10,00 years, man. Monday night I was on Earth. Now, I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle. That's a lot to process-”, he seemed to considered out loud, “What day is today?”,

“It's the third quintant of the Spicolian movement. Hump day!”, Coran exclaimed rather happily, unfazed by the weird sounding names like you were, 'It's a lot to process”, Hunk stated quiet simply. Allura straightened from her slouched postion and again resumed the queen posture. “You must understand the stakes of our mission. Over the last 10,000...”, she began to flick through a visual that glowed with reds, blues, whites and yellows, “.... the Castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations. So, we have to assume that Zarkon had conquered almost the entire known universe. Earth is here. An attack on your planet is inevitable”, Shiro made a sound beside you. You weren't looking at earth but the other planets that were closest to earth that had realesed distress beacons. “Oh no”, Hunk breathed, Allura looked pleased from the effect on all gathered.

“Exactly. Our mission is to free all those planets-”,

“All those planets? That would take like years”, you stated, everyone eyes turned to you, your cheeks went red, 'Wouldn't it? I mean there have got to be many planets within the universe, meaning years of... freeing and destroying Zarkons empire”, Allura pressed her lips together,

“It will take as long as it take...”, dismissing the conversation for further additions and points Allura began to speak again, “Coran anf I are getting the Castle ready to leave Aurs. During that time, you have to learn to form Voltron, so we can begain fighting Zarkon”,

Shiro piped in his leader effect, “The princess is right. Let's get to our lions and start trining”, Pidge looked startled as he spoke, “Wait, but I want to talk to the prisoners we rescued from the Galra ship”,

“Ah, negative Numver Five. I have you ranked by height, okay?” You raised an eyebrow at that as he measure her with his arms, “The prsioners need to remain in the cryo-replenishers until tomorrow”. You chewed at your lower lip, cryo-replenishers was almost like Unobtanium from Avatar, it was rediculous name. You didn;t even realise the group going until Coran approached you. “Come with me. I have a few jobs for you”. Even if you considered it rude, you groaned in response.

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