Chapter 10

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You never knew what happened during their several training exercises that seemed to occupy the rest of the day, instead you helped run a few tests with Allura, and during that time you learned the ins and outs of the castle. Now you were on cleaning duty. Again. You sneezed, breaking your concentration from the small set of wires in front of you. This should have been easy, making sure that all the crystals were aligned everywhere within the castle, but without the mice it proved to be difficult to slot your hand in their to actually put them in place when they weren't in place.  Hayfever was never your best side. Flowers, dust (of which the castle seemed to have accumulated quite a lot over the 10 thousand years resting period) and even different perfumes that lay within each different rooms from the different objects had made your eyes water, your cheeks to flush in and out, your nose to run, and for your lungs to heave to and fro as you tried to concentrate on what was in front of you and no the constant tickle of hayfever. 

Ugh. You gave up with a dramatic sigh and flopped onto your back. Life was unfair. They get to have fun while I clean up like a bloody cleaning maid or whatever the alteans call it, you thought sourly as you scolded at the ceiling above you. This room was massive. The ballroom in fact, a very fine feature and one of the most important ones. You hand began to itch, maybe from the hayfever, maybe from the urge to paint something. The room was surely pretty enough to earn something of recognition if you were on earth and able to sell it to a studio, or even to give inspiration to others. The thought of money made your stomach twist, finally you pushed the thought aside and began to list off all the things important to you. Mone- Lance, Hunk, Work, Painting.... Family? Not that your family was here, or anywhere in fact, so mentally you crossed it off your list of 'Important Things in my Life'. 

"Y/N?" A voice called from some distant hallway, "You missed dinner, but Coran's laid something out for you. Ugh. This place is dusty." You sat up, and made your way towards the wires again. Lance stumbled into the ballroom, still in his armor. He was grinning as he approached in his human clothing. His earth clothing. A wave of homesickness washed over you. This was why it was better that you didn't go to the Garrison. Your Homesickness was either 'Hey I can last without being home for a year' or 'I've been away from home for 2 days, let cry'. "Y/N what are you doing?" 

"What the hell is that?" you asked as you pointed at his chest, where a smear of green goo was on his chest. Lance smiled as he made a vague gesture. 


"I think I'll pass on the dinner that's waiting for me, and I am connecting wires around the castle."

"Ah huh. What for though. Like lighting, electricity....."

"I'm not sure. Allura just told me that they will already be connected but not aligned properly so I just had to align them again." You commented, hoping that Lance wouldn't say how boring it sounded. 

"Sounds fun," Lance stated as he sat down next to you and peered into the small chamber of wires. "Need any help?"

"Ummm, if you've got smaller hands then you'd be of use. It's just the one at the back there is to further back and I don't have small enough hands to get that far in."

"Pidge might be able to do it. She's like 5ft or something," Lance muttered as he gave a sidewards look at you. "Are you okay, Y/N?"

"I'm fine, but my back hurts, my eyes are water-"

"-I can see that. Do you want me to find some hayfever tablets, or something that might help?" Lance peered at you as he rolled up his sleeves. You smiled at him, Lance was probably a better friend to you than you were to him. 

"That would be nice, Lance." You sniffed, trying to stop the constant itching. 

"OKay stay right where you are. I'll go and get something... maybe pineapple that's what my mum uses." Lance thought out loud as he stood up and considered. 

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